Early birthday

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Hermione and I had been relaxing in her living room reading when our Hogwarts letters were delivered. Archimedes soared gently through the window, set our letters down on the coffee table in front of us, and landed on the counter to start eating the peanuts her parents had left our for him. Our letters had essentially the same thing as last year except for one thing, an assortment of books put together by the bumbling fraud Gilderoy Lockhart. 

I read the letter out loud, "Second years will require: THe standard book of spells, Grade two by MIranda Goshawk, Break with a Banshee by Gilderoy Lockhart, Gadding with ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhard, Holidays with hags by Gilderoy Lockhard, Travels with Trolls by Gilderoy Lockhart, Voyages with vampires by Gilderoy Lockhart, and Wanderings with werewolves by none other than Gilderoy Lockhart!" 

"On top of costing us a small fortune to buy all these books I can't believe the new professor actually believes the hogwash he publishes, it's not hard to tell that he's a fraud." I said disgusted, Lockhart had risen to wizarding fame because of his gorgeous blonde hair and 'enchanting' smile that accompanied every single book someone purchased. His books were wildly popular with witches but they were nothing more than over-exaggerated stories that could entertain children, they definitely didn't give any good advice. 

"Don't you think you're being a little too hard on this new professor? For all we know they could be more than qualified." Hermione interjected.

"Well...I guess so, I'll have to keep an open mind." I said, Hermione started smiling. 

After her parents got back we told them all about our letters arriving and our disagreement over Lockhart. Hermione's parents may have been no-majs but they were very intelligent, using logic over anything else, it wasn't hard to see where Hermione got it from. 

"Y/N can you tell me again about these colors you keep seeing when someone performs any magic? Hermione told Monica and I all about you when she got home and I couldn't help but wonder." I blushed, it was surprising to hear that Hermione had talked about me to her parents. 

"Well yeah, it's like I can see things other wizards and witches can't, it's a whole range of colors and it changes a lot, it's never been the same." I said thinking about it. 

Overhearing our conversation Mrs. Granger interrupted, "So it's like synesthesia?"

"What's synesthesia?" I asked interested. 

"Well no one knows what causes it, but when someone has it they see colors when using their basic senses you know:  sight, touch, smell, taste, and hearing. From what I've heard I would say that you have a form of magical synesthesia." Monica said quickly. 

"Hmmm interesting, I wonder if anyone else in history has ever had 'magical synesthesia'."

"Well, we can find out!" Hermione said going upstairs. A couple minutes later she came downstairs carrying a huge book titled Magical wizards and witches through the ages it was gigantic. 

"Madam Pince let me borrow it over the Summer for some..."

"Light reading?" 

"Nope, studying."

"You want to get started? We haven't got much to do before we head to Diagon Alley tomorrow."

"Sure, let's start." With that Hermione and I went upstairs to her room to begin looking through the tome analyzing and cross-referencing anything remotely related to colors whether it was in connection to potions or spells after looking at the index for any page numbers Hermione found over 200 entries for the word 'colors' so we searched through all of them. After a couple of hours her parents came upstairs with dinner and reminded us to make sure we went to bed early enough. 

"Ok got it, wait Y/N, there are people under this index entry. What if we just looked through their names instead of looking through every single mention of 'colors'?" Hermione said with a look of determination. 

"You're right! That shouldn't take nearly as long!" We were wrong, it took as long if not longer. The book only mentioned colors when it had any historical persons not how it related eventually I started dozing off, as my eyelids grew heavier and heavier I felt my head drop onto Hermione's bed and I fell asleep.

"Y/N! Y/N! Look! We've found something." She said poking my shoulder and waking me up. 

"'Mione," I woke up surprised, "what time is it?" I said trying to look for her alarm clock. 

"Two o'clock in the morning," she said letting out a yawn, "but look right there." She pointed to an ominous drawing in the book. "He could see colors whenever people used magic too."

"Danan Harnbjorn." I said reading the name on the portrait moving wildly in the frame. 

This famous dark wizard terrorized the people of Europe in the late 17th century. Utilizing a variety of newly invented dark spells, namely the Cruciatus and Imperius curses Harnbjorn terrorized the Swedish villages of  Sigtune and Trosa, enslaving their minds and harnessing the draugr in their burial mounds to form an army that razed the Scandinavian country side killing as many non-pureblood wizards as he could. Interestingly, after his capture Harnbjorn himself reported that he was able to see magical aberrations coming from wands and magical sites. Speculation states that he could modify these aberrations to serve his own design, even altering the spells of other wizards, rendering him invulnerable to magical harm. Harnbjorn was defeated in the fields of Kyold by Hjor Peverell before being served justice. 

"He was bad, really bad." I said shaken up. "What if I'm related to that monster." 

"Hey, you're nothing like him ok? You're sweet, funny, kind, and an incredible person." She said hugging me. 

I melted into her hug, it was like the world dissolved around us. "'Mione, can you promise me you'll always be my friend? No matter what happens?"

"Of course Y/N, now that I think of it I think this is appropriate now." She got up and walked over to her dresser. Carefully she moved her clothes around before pulling a box out of the dresser and walking over to me. 

"Y/N, I got this for your birthday. I know it's early," She said holding out a small bracelet with chains that glinted red. 

"Hermione, you didn't need to do this." I said holding the bracelet, it had a small gemstone inlaid in the larger center chain and on the back was my birthday with a small heart followed by H.G.

"I love it." I said hugging her.

"I'm glad you like it, now how about we go to sleep, after all we've got to get our school stuff tomorrow?" As I got up to go into the guest bedroom Hermione pulled me into a hug.

"I promise I'll be there for you no matter what happens." Hermione said. 

"I promise I won't let anything happen to you." I said holding her, eventually I started playing with her hair. As we let go I noticed a small glow was coming from her wrist, "what's that?" I said pointing to her wrist.

"It's your bracelets twin, no matter what happens they'll always lead to each other. They'll glow as long as the other person who's wearing it is alive and relatively close." 

"Good to know, you're brilliant Hermione, thank you for the gift, goodnight."

"Goodnight Y/N." I heard as I left her room. 

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