Death defying

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Riddle took my wand and traced the words, 


Then he waved my wand once, the letters rearranging themselves into one sentence. 


"You see," he whispered proudly. "It was a name I was already using at Hogwarts, to my closest friends only, of course. You think I was going to use my filthy muggle father's name forever? I, in whose veins run the blood of Salazar Slytherin himself, through my mother's side? I, keep the name of a foul, common Muggle, who abandoned me even before I was born, just because he found out his wife was a witch? No, I fashioned myself a new name, a name I new wizards everywhere would one day fear to speak, when I had become the greatest sorcerer in the world!" 

"You're not though, Albus Dumbledore is." I said plainly, this infuriated Tom. 

"Dumbledore's been driven out of this castle by the mere memory of me!" He hissed. 

"He's not as gone as you think!" Harry replied. 

Just then I heard the cries of a phoenix and saw Fawkes fly gracefully into the chamber. The phoenix dropped a ragged canvas hat on the floor by Harry and I then landed on the arm I was holding out. 

"That's a phoenix," Riddle said, staring stupidly at Fawkes. 

"You'd be right about that one Tom." I said sarcastically. 

"And that-" Riddle said, pointing to the ragged thing Fawkes was carrying, "that's the old school sorting hat-"

I looked at it, and it definitely was. Patched, frayed and incredibly dirty the hat lay motionless in front of Harry and I. 

Riddle laughed a cold, piercing laugh. The entire chamber echoed until it was the only thing we could hear. 

"This is what Dumbledore sends his defenders! A songbird and an old hat! Do you feel brave? Do you feel safe now?" Riddle said harshly. 

I stared back at him ruthlessly. 

"Do you want to know something else? Ginny mentioned your parents Y/N, how your mother knew her mother and how nice she seemed, and how your father, your foolish American father-"

"Don't bring them into this, there's no reason for you to taint their memory." I snarled at him. 

"Oh they've already tainted their own memory, you my boy are the key to everything, the confluence of three incredibly powerful wizarding families." Riddle said. 

"What are you talking about?" I said rudely, "my parents are just regular people who loved each other, that's it."

"Don't be too quickly, you may not know now but your mother's maiden name? Peverell, especially if the legends are true could hold one of the most powerful magical abilities ever, and her father, while inconsequential held the very same blood I have, the blood of Salazar Slytherin."

"You're lying!" I yelled. 

"And your father what's his middle name?"

"Aurelius? What's that matter?" I said harshly. 

Riddle smiled confidently, "it's after his father, Aurelius Dumbledore. The ancient Magic you see all around you right now, the green haze? No one else can see it, and you can control it. If my plans hadn't been foiled by a baby all those years ago, you would be the most powerful wizard ever, under my tutelage, cousin."

"I'm not your cousin," I said standing up, "and I'd certainly never help you." 

"We shall see," Riddle said, "but for now I have a job to do." Riddle said before turning to the carved face. 

"Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four."

The face's mouth shot down, revealing a dark tube. I saw the same magical aura on the night of the first attack, dark grey and demented rising towards us from the depths. I grabbed Harry and we ran as fast as we could, I tripped over small stone lip and stumbled landing on the cold, damp floor. 

The enormous snake, bright, poisonous green, and thick as an oak trunk, had raised itself high in the air and its great blunt head was weaving hazily through the snake-emblazoned pillars. I started closing my eyes but I saw Fawkes, brilliant, scarlet, Fawkes distracting the basilisk. 

Fawkes was soaring around the serpent's head, taunting it. The basilisk snapped furiously at Fawkes until it lunged and Fawkes dived. His long golden talons sank out of sight and a sudden shower of dark, hot blood spattered onto the floor. The basilisk's tail thrashed, narrowly missing Harry and I, before I could close my eyes the snake spun rapidly toward us and I looked right into its face; both of its great, bulbous yellow eyes had been punctured by the phoenix, blood was streaming down to the floor, the snake was screeching in agony. 


The basilisk swayed carefully, its forked tongue darting into the air. 

As it slithered toward us its body knocked the sorting hat into my arms and I looked at it hopelessly. I kept thinking to myself, if there was anything to help us we really need it right now anything at all. Then I felt a great weight drop into the hat, I reached in and pulled out a brilliant silver sword, I looked at Harry. 

"Harry, go back to Ron-"

"NO!" Harry said. "We do this together you got it?" 

"Fine," I said, "let's finish this."


The basilisk continued slithering toward us carefully, then out of nowhere it lunged at us. Harry and I jumped out of the way landing on opposite sides of the massive head. I started hacking at whatever I could, producing large cuts on the snake's great head. Harry kicked it on where its eye had been and it turned agitatedly toward him and I saw my opportunity. Hermione had told me some snakes have auditory pits instead of ears when I had stayed at her house, as the snake turned to Harry I saw one of these pits and I lunged driving the sword as far into the snake's skull as I could. The basilisk recoiled back to me in pain, throwing me against the wall where I felt a massive shock of pain shoot through my leg. Looking down, I saw that one of the basilisks fangs had been lodged into my calf I sunk to the floor and started crawling to Harry.

My vision started going blurry and my leg went numb, I had crawled over to Harry when we heard Riddle's voice. 

"You're dying, Y/N," Riddle's voice rang out. "You can feel the basilisk's venom coursing through your body." I heard the soft clatter of talons land next to me and looked to see Fawkes perched on the floor. 

"Harry," I croaked, I saw the glowing red bracelet on my wrist start to diminish, "the fang," I said pointing to my leg and then to the diary. 

"Fawkes," I cried, "you were brilliant, Fawkes, absolutely brilliant..."

"Even Dumbledore's bird knows you're dying. Do you see what he's doing, Y/N? He's crying." Then I felt the harsh pain of the fang being pulled from my leg, but there was some relief, and my vision started coming back. I looked down at my leg and Fawkes was crying where the basilisk had bitten me. Eventually, the wound had completely gone. 

"Get away, bird," Riddle's voice said angrily as he kicked at Fawkes, "get away from him, I said get away!" 

I got on my knees and looked at Harry, who had grabbed the diary while Riddle was distracted. 

"Phoenix tears..." Riddle said, staring at my leg, "of course...healing powers... I forgot..."

He waved my wand and with a bang Fawkes flew off.

Riddle looked into my face. "It makes no difference now," He said. "It's almost better this way isn't it? You can understand the pain of opposing the dark lord." He started raising my wand, "Avada-AHHHH." He keeled over in pain, behind him Harry had taken the basilisk fang and plunged it into the diary. 

Harry started plunging the fang deeper into the diary until ink spurted out of it, Riddle turned around but he had lost his power. He stared at Harry writhing in pain, and crumpling to the floor until he eventually disappeared. 

The Chamber of Secrets (Hermione x male reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن