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I woke up in the Granger's guest room and looked around, it matched the rest of the house with its light blue wallpaper and elegant hardwood floors, as I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth I noticed Hermione's door open. 

"Good morning Y/N!" She said smiling. 

"Morning 'Mione! Do you know when we're leaving for Diagon Alley?" 

"Not sure, my parents are downstairs but take your time." She said as she went back into her room. 

After I brushed my teeth I walked to Hermione's room and hung out with her for a couple minutes. Her room was cool, she had a couple band posters up and decorating a seat in front of a large window was a ton of stuffed animals I hadn't noticed last night. 

"Oh Y/N, don't it's just something from when I was young." Hermione said as she walked up and stood in front of me, stopping me from getting to the stuffed animals. 

"You sure 'Mione? If it was that long ago I doubt you'd be trying to stop me." I said lightly. 

"Ok fine, I like stuffed animals so what?" She pouted at me. 

"Exactly! So what! I actually think it's cute." I cut the last word off but I felt my cheeks get bright red. 

"You think it's what?" Hermione said looking at me curiously. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said smiling, she had gotten out of the way and walked me over to the stuffed animals, turns out she knew more about them than anyone possibly could have. She invented backstories for the animals and made-up friendships for them. 

"Well, what'll they do when I'm gone?" She asked sadly. 

"I don't know, it's sweet that you've given them friends." My stomach growled loudly. "Do you think we could go downstairs to eat some food?" 

"Yeah absolutely, come on." She had grabbed my hand as we walked downstairs and I wasn't complaining, but when we got downstairs Hermione quickly let go of my hand and blushed.

After eating the delicious breakfast Hermione's mom made they let us know to start getting ready to go, to our surprise they had already picked up our lists and planned our trip to Diagon Alley. After changing out of our pajamas Hermione's parents let us know they'd be waiting outside, as we left the house I looked outside and sitting in a car were Hermione's parents. 

"Uhm 'Mione, one thing." I said looking at her concerned. "I've never ridden in a car..."

"Oh, well that's fine, if you get motion sickness you can just close your eyes and lay your head down alright?" Hermione said reassuring me. As we walked to the car Hermione got in behind her dad and I was in the seat behind her mom, Hermione asked her dad to drive more carefully than he already did because of my situation. 

"Oh that's fine." He said as he pulled out of their driveway. 

The car honestly wasn't that bad but I did get a little woozy when we went over a bridge heading into the city. Hermione had grabbed my hand and had me close my eyes, to my surprise her advice worked and my nausea went away. After driving through the city amazed at all the shops the muggles had. 

As we pulled up to the Leaky Cauldron Hermione mom asked, "So Y/N do you know how to get into the alley this way? That big man Hagrid sent us a letter explaining how to but we were a little lost." 

"Yeah I think so, If I don't Hermione and I can figure it out."

After walking through the Leaky Cauldron we came to a small wall and I tapped the bricks Hagrid instructed to in his letter, instantly the wall started moving and we emerged into Diagon Alley. As we stood outside of Gringotts talking Hermione noticed Hagrid walk out of Knockturn alley, Harry emerged from his side as we greeted the giant. 

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