The end of second year

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I sat down at the end of year feast with Harry and Ron. Harry told us about how freed the Malfoy's house elf, Dobby when he left Dumbledore's office. 

I was talking with Seamus and Neville when Ron tapped me on the shoulder. "Y/N, Hermione's back."

I looked at the massive doors and saw her. I immediately got up and Ron to her we hugged for what felt like eternity. 

"Hermione," I said crying. "I'm so sorry," I choked, "f-for everything..."

"Y/N Alpherian, don't you dare blame yourself for what happened ok?" She grabbed my hand and we walked to the table. 

"Just date already." I heard Harry say. 

"Excuse me?" I said as Hermione and I sat down, she scooched closer to me. 

"What?" Harry said, his mouth full. 

"You said something, didn't you?" 

"Mate, do you still have some of that venom in you? He didn't say anything." Ron said laughing. 

"Basilisk venom!" Hermione said turning to me. I explained everything that happened while she was petrified, even the details of what happened when the basilisk was killed, which was something I hadn't even told Dumbledore. After I finished the story Hermione pulled me into a hug. 

"Thank you." She whispered gently into my ear.

The feast was incredible, everyone was in their pajamas and the houses celebrated together for the entire day, even the Slytherins! The six hundred points Harry, Ron, and I got secured the house cup for Gryffindor for the second year in a row, and to top it all off Professor McGonagall announced that all end-of-year exams were cancelled. 

"I missed you 'Mione." I said staring at her. 

"I missed you too Y/N."

It didn't feel like long before we had gotten back onto the Hogwarts Express. Harry, Ron, Ginny, George, and Fred had all gotten a compartment to themselves while Scabbers took the sixth seat all to himself so Hermione and I joined Cedric, Walt, and John. When I opened the door I was surrounded by hugs from the three older boys. 

"Don't scare us like that again, ok?" Cedric said concerned. 

"I promise I won't Ced, mind if we joined you?"

"Of Course not, have a seat." He pointed to the vacant row across from the them and Hermione and I sat down.

We talked for the first hour about everyone's year, Hermione and I accidentally let it slip that we had brewed polyjuice potion, John was amazed we had done it successfully. Eventually Cedric got his wizard's chess set from his bag and we played the rest of the ride, Hermione had somehow gotten incredibly good, I was the only one who beat her the entire ride back and even then it was only one game. 

As we pulled into the station Cedric stood up. "Well have a good Summer, and make sure you're flying! The Hufflepuff team is gunning for that quidditch cup."

"Oh, you're on Ced," I looked at Walt and John. "How 'bout a friendly bet?"

"I'm listening," Cedric said.

"If Gryffindor wins the quidditch cup, which, barring any unusual or extreme circumstances, should happen."

"Uh-huh?" Walt said intrigued. 

"You go to the Quidditch World Cup finals wearing whatever team's colors we decide," I said looking at Hermione. 

"And if Hufflepuff wins?" Cedric said looking around the train car before he laid eyes on Hermione and I. "You two go on a date," I heard him say, but his lips didn't move. 

"You participate in whatever the fat friar's next play is?" He said smiling. 

"Are you kidding?" I laughed, "I'd do that for free, but that sounds good to me." I said holding out my hand.

"It's a deal." He said taking my hand and shaking it. 

"Hey Ced, can I talk with you quickly?" I said as the train lurched to a stop and everyone left the compartment. 

"Yeah, what's up?" He said looking at me. 

"Thanks," I said, "for not going with what your first bet was."

"What bet?" He said, looking at me confused.

"The one about 'Mione and I going on a date." I said blushing. 

"I didn't say that... I thought it." Cedric said amazed, "Y/N can you read thoughts?" 

"I don't know, it's the first time anyone's ever told me that it was a thought." 

"Well, keep tabs on that and let me know, and have a great Summer with Hermione." He said jeering at me. 

"Hey, how do you even know about that?" I whined. 

"She's been talking about it all the time since your birthdays'," Cedric said. 

I was amazed, I was so excited to spend the Summer with her and then have my parents meet us for the week in Marseilles, but I didn't think she'd be that excited to spend it with me. 

"She really likes you," Cedric whispered to me before he walked to his father. 

Well I really like her too I thought to myself before I found her and her parents. They asked how our year was and thanked me for being there for Hermione, they said they were distraught when Dumbledore wrote to them and described what had happened to her. 

"Thank you for spending the time with Hermione that you did when she was you know-petrified," her mother said crying. 

How'd she know that? I thought to myself, the only other person in the Hospital wing was Madam Pomfrey. 

"Y-You're welcome, Mrs. Granger," I said. "I know 'Mione would have done it for me." I felt her fingers lace through mine, the warmth of her hand was comforting, I didn't realize that my eyes had started tearing up. 

"Well, we appreciate it sweetheart, and please call me Monica." She said turning around and talking to her husband. 

I laid my head down on Hermione's shoulder and closed my eyes, we would spend an entire Summer together and the thought of what Harry said in the dining hall came to mind. Then I realized he didn't say it, he thought it, I'd need to ask someone about this. 

I fell asleep for what felt like forever, eventually when I woke up I was in the Granger's guest room and all my stuff had been moved in, we weren't leaving for France for the next week and a half so Hermione spent our time walking around London while she taught me about everything she could, I eagerly listened and enjoyed the time we spent together. 

This was going to be a great Summer. 

A/N: Hey everybody, firstly book 1 has gotten almost 450 reads which blows my mind. I was glad to be able to change some things in this book and continue developing the relationship between Hermione and Y/N. Thank you for reading and expect a little bit of a break between books 2 and 3, I've got Finals coming up and don't know what my Summer schedule looks like quite yet. 

A/N 2: Again, if you'd like to leave any critiques or feedback please do so! It's so important that I put out the best thing I can and without feedback from the wonderful reader that is yourself I'm lost. 

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