The forbidden forest

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"We've got to go to Hagrid's," I said sitting down on one of the couches in the common room next to Harry and Ron. 

"We can use the invisibility cloak," Harry said. Ron and I nodded and he went up to our dormitory and covered us before we left. We crept through the castle and made our way to Hagrid's. We knocked on the door to his hut and it flung open, Hagrid was standing there wild-eyed, pointing a crossbow at us. 

I quickly threw the cloak off of us. "Oh," Hagrid said lowering the crossbow, "what're you three doing here?"

"What's that for Hagrid?" Harry asked, pointing at the crossbow. 

"Nothin' nothin'" Hagrid mumbled. "I've bin expectin'- doesn' matter, sit down, I'll make tea-"

"Are you okay Hagrid?" Ron asked. "Did you hear about Hermione?"

"Oh, I heard, all righ'" Hagrid said, his voice breaking. 

Knock knock knock

Someone was at the door. Hagrid rushed us into one of the corners of the hut and Harry threw the cloak over us before Hagrid opened the door.

"Good evening, Hagrid." Dumbledore said as he walked into the hut. 

Dumbledore's normally cheery, airy mood was replaced by one of dire seriousness, a second old man walked through the door. 

"That's dad's boss!" Ron whispered. "Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic!" I nudged Ron hard on the ribs to get him to stop talking. 

"Bad business, Hagrid," said Fudge, "very bad business. Had to come, four attacks on muggle-borns. Things have gone far enough, the ministry's got to act."

"I never," Hagrid said, taken aback at what Fudge was implying, "you know, I never, Professor Dumbledore, sir-" Hagrid pleaded. 

"I want it understood, Cornelius, that Hagrid has my full confidence," Dumbledore said, frowning. 

"Look, Albus," Fudge said, staring uncomfortably between Hagrid and Dumbledore. "Hagrid's record is against him, the ministry's got to do something, the school governors have been in touch-"

"Yet again, Cornelius, I tell you that taking Hagrid away will not help in the slightest," Dumbledore interrupted. 

"Look at it from my point of view," Fudge pleaded as he fixed his hat, "I'm under a lot of pressure. Got to be seen to do something. If it turns out it wasn't Hagrid, he'll be back and no more said. But I've got to take him, got to. Wouldn't be doing my duty-"

"T-take me?" Hagrid said, who was trembling. "Take me where?" 

"For a short stretch only," Fudge said, averting his gaze from Hagrid, "not a punishment, Hagrid, more a precaution. If someone else is caught, you'll be let out with a full apology-"

"Not Azkaban!" Hagrid croaked. 

Before Fudge could answer another knock forcefully rang on the hut's door. 

Dumbledore opened the door. 

Lucius Malfoy strode into the hut with a cold and calculated smile. 

"Already here, Fudge," he said approvingly, "good, good..."

"What're you doin' here?" Hagrid bellowed furiously. "Get outta my house!"

"My dear man, please believe me, I have no pleasure at all in being here." Lucius said, sneering as he peered around the small hut. "I simply called at the school and was told that the headmaster was here." 

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