The Chamber of Secrets

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We hid in an alcove as all the students rushed to their common rooms, all the teachers arrived at the staff room and were silent until Professor McGonagall arrived. 

"It has happened," she told the teachers, "a student has been taken by the monster. Right into the Chamber itself."

Professor Flitwick squealed. Professor Sprout clapped her hands over mouth. Snape gripped the table and leaned over. "How can you be sure?" He said. 

"The heir of Slytherin," McGonagall, who was very pale, said, "left another message. Right underneath the first one. 'Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever.'"

Professor Flitwick squealed again and burst into tears. 

"Who is it?" Said Madam Hooch, who was sinking into a chair. "Which student?" 

"Ginny Weasley," Professor McGonagall said. 

Ron gasped. 

The staff room door banged open, for a split-second, I was sure it was Dumbledore. It was Lockhart, and the idiot was smiling. 

"So sorry, dozed off, what have I missed?" 

All the teachers looked at Lockhart with anger and hated, then Snape stepped forward. 

"Just the man," he said, "the very man. A girl had been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. taken into the Chamber of Secrets itself. Your moment has come at last."

"That's right, Gilderoy," Professor Sprout chipped in, "weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?" 

"Yes, didn't you tell me you were sure you knew what was inside it?" Professor Flitwick added. 

"D-did I? I don't recall-"

"We'll leave it to you then, Gilderoy," Professor McGonagall said, "tonight will be an excellent time to do it. We'll make sure everyone's out of your way. You'll be able to tackle the monster all by yourself." 

Lockhart looked desperately around the room, but nobody offered aid. His confidence waned, his lip was trembling. 

"V-very well," he said, "I-I'll be in my office, ge-getting ready."

"Let's follow him and tell him what we know." Harry suggested. 

"I doubt he'll be able to help, but let's go anyway." I grunted. 

We followed Lockhart to his office where we saw him hastily packing his things. 

"In a hurry to go somewhere, Professor?" I said snidely from the doorway to his office. 

"Er, well, yes," Lockhart said, ripping a life-size poster of himself off the wall, "urgent call, unavoidable, got to go-"

"What about my sister? Ron said angrily. 

"Well, as to that, most unfortunate-" Lockhart said, avoiding our eyes, "no one regrets more than I-"

"You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher!" Harry yelled furiously. "You can't go now! Not with all the dark stuff going on here!"

"Well, I must say, when I took the job-" Lockhart mumbled, "nothing in the job description, didn't expect-"

"You mean you're running away?" Harry said in disbelief. "After all that stuff you did in you books-"

"Well, just because they're in my books doesn't mean that I necessarily did them," Lockhart said sneering, "do you think books about horribly ugly, old wizard in the alps would have sold at all? No I don't think so, in fact even if I am not as gifted magically as other wizards, I am especially talented at memory charms." He brandished his wand and pointed it at us but I was quicker. 

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