Quidditch tryouts

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"Hey Y/N, you ready for tryouts?" Fred and George asked as I came back through the portrait hole. 

"Absolutely guys, it's just that I haven't got a broom, I'll be terrible." I said sadly. 

"Shut up Y/N," Hermione said playfully. "You'll be great no matter what, I've got faith in you." 

"Oh... well thanks 'Mione." I said blushing.

"Wait, Wood might have extra brooms." George said. As if on cue the 6th year quidditch captain came into the common room. 

"Hey Oliver, I've got a question." I said shyly, he was much taller than me and after we had lost all those points for Gryffindor last year Wood didn't talk to me at all for the rest of the year. 

"Yeah Y/N, what's up?" He said surprised.

"Have you got an extra broom?" I asked as politely as I could, "I know tryouts for the team are later, but I don't have one."

"Yeah, you can use my old comet, I'm excited to see you there." He winked at me and walked to his room. 

After he brought the comet down my nerves hit me, I hadn't ridden a broom since the single game I played in last year, what if I sucked? What if I forgot everything I learned from practicing with them last year?

"You nervous Y/N?" Hermione asked as she walked down with me. 

"Yeah, a little bit."

"You'll do fine." she said, kissing my cheek. 

"w-w-what was that for!?" I said blushing. 

"Some good luck," she said smiling as she headed for one of the towers that surrounded the pitch. 

As I walked onto the field I saw some familiar faces: Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson, the chasers from last year, George and Fred the beaters, and Harry the seeker. 

"Alright, now let me remind all of you that even if you were on the team last year that doesn't guarantee you a spot this year!" Wood said authoritatively. "Let me check my list and we can get started." He pulled the sign-ups out of his pocket, the only people who had signed up to try out for the team were Christopher Johnson, a huge 7th year and myself. 

"Good luck." I said offering my hand to Chris. 

"You're going to need it." He said walking away from me. 

After Oliver explained what try-outs would look like I ran back to the locker room to get some water, first he was starting out with Alicia and Angelina to see if they'd been practicing over Summer so I had some time and while they were doing that I heard the distinctive click click click of Colin Creevey's camera going off. 

When I got back Oliver had Chris up on a broom and it wasn't exactly pretty, even if Wood said all the spots were open everyone knew that the only spot left was the 3rd chaser after they had graduated last year. Chris was the ideal beater, bulky and stupid, he couldn't even hold the quaffle right and he struggled to get from one end to the other, even on the Nimbus 2000 he was flying. 

"Alright Y/N, you're up!" I heard ring out through the stadium, Wood was amplifying his voice with his wand, I needed to learn how to do that. 

As I rose up through the air on Wood's Comet I checked everything on the broom, making sure the bristles were aligned and checking for any bows in the broom just in case I would need to alter the way I flew. 

"Y/N, what's going to happen is Alicia and Angelina will be on that end of the pitch-," he pointed to them and they waved back, "- they're going to toss the quaffle up randomly and then you're going to catch it, got it?" I nodded. "Then you're going to try and get down here as quickly as you can while I guard the goalposts, all the while Fred and George are going to be across from each other pelting the bludgers back and forth. You'll have ten runs." I gulped, there was the twist. 

"Yeah, I'm good!" I shouted back as I kicked off the ground. My first nine runs had gone great, I scored on Wood and caught every quaffle, the bludgers had been acting odd though, they focused on me a lot instead of going around randomly. My tenth run was the best though, Angelina had purposely thrown the quaffle so it bounced on the ground, after catching it I sped up the field bobbing and weaving through the towers with a bludger hot on my tail before I turned to the goal posts. I threw the quaffle over the middle goal post and ducker under Wood, as I grabbed the quaffle from in-front I saw him rushing over to stop me from throwing it into the right goal. I knew he was pushing himself too hard right so I forced his broom to flip upside-down quickly and I effortlessly threw the quaffle through the left hoop. 

"Fancy flying Y/N, hey what's that?" He said looking at Colin's camera flashes going off every couple seconds. 

"Oh that's just Colin Creevey, he's a first-year, he kind of idolizes Harry." I said looking past Colin and seeing Hermione in awe. 

"I don't like that, he could be a Slytherin spy." 

"Wood, he's in Gryffindor, look he's got the tie and everything." I snapped.

"Oh yeah, I guess you're right Y/N."

I flew down to the pitch with Wood and planted myself, everyone showered me in applause and cheers, I saw Hermione running down as quickly as she could. 

"That was incredible Y/N!" Fred and George said in unison. "You did better than Angelina and Alicia!" They said earning them scowls from the girls. 

"Alright everyone give me some quiet, I'm going to look over these scores and come back with the final roster." As he finished Hermione had run up behind me and hugged me. 

"You did awesome." She whispered  as she rested her head on my back, her arms wrapped around my waist so I couldn't turn around. 

"Thanks 'Mione." I said smiling. 

It only took Wood 5 minutes to come back, it's not like he had a lot to look over. 

"Alright for our chasers: Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, and Y/N Alpherian; Beaters will be Fred and George Weasley; Seeker will be Mr. Harry Potter; and myself for goalkeeper." Wood said, we all cheered and I turned around to hug Hermione, picking her up. 

Chris sighed loudly and walked off angrily obviously upset that Wood hadn't given him a second thought. 

The Chamber of Secrets (Hermione x male reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz