Return to Hogwarts

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Three days after we got our stuff in Diagon Alley Hermione's parents drove us to King's Cross so we could take the Hogwart's Express back. They walked with us to the platform, Hermione's dad had grabbed some of my bags and put them on a trolley while I was helping Hermione with her bags.

"Thanks for having me Mr. and Mrs. Granger." I said, "I had a really fun time," I said smiling at them. 

"Of course," her mom replied. "Wendell and I have been talking and if you ever want to visit that's completely fine with us, oh and please call us by our first names."

"Oh, ok thanks Monica." I said her name tentatively, it felt odd calling her by our first name.

"Do be safe!" Wendell said as Hermione and I ran through the barrier together, to our surprise the youngest Weasley, Ginny, was standing on the other side while her mother was looking around. 

"Fred! George! Blast it I wonder where they've gone," she turned around. "Y/N! Hermione! Pleasure to see you!" She said walking up to us, I don't think she'd ever formally been introduced to Hermione so I introduced them. 

"Oh Arthur's somewhere around here, would you mind waiting? He was also friends with your mother when we went to school." She asked hopefully. 

"Yeah of course." Hermione and I checked our bags and chatted and then a tall ginger man came running up to Mrs. Weasley. 

"Molly I've found Fred and George." He said as the twins emerged with mischievous grins behind him. "And who might you be?" He asked looking at Hermione and I. 

"Oh I'm Y/N Alpherian and this is Hermione Granger, we're friends of Ron's." I said shaking his hand. 

"Any relation to Chara?" He asked. 

"She's my mom." 

"Incredible, I'm assuming you've met Ginny?" He asked pointing to his youngest daughter. 

"Briefly, are you coming to Hogwarts this year Ginny?" I asked her, she was hiding shyly behind Molly. 

"Yeah, do you know where Harry is?" She asked blushing. 

"He and Ron were right behind us." Arthur said quickly. 

"Well they must have already gotten on the train, come on Ginny I'll help you carry your stuff." I said as she unloaded her trolley, she had some second-hand books and robes but the brand-new Lockhart books were shining brightly. 

After I had gotten Ginny situated in a cabin with some other first years I looked through the train, trying to find Hermione, Harry, and Ron. To my surprise I couldn't find Harry and Ron and when I found Hermione she had been in a cabin with Cedric, Walter, and John. 

"Y/N!" Cedric said as I opened the door. He ran up to me and hugged me before sitting down, whether it was by chance the three Hufflepuffs had been sitting together, leaving the only open seat next to Hermione, I wasn't complaining though. 

After a couple hours of catching up, mainly about quidditch, the trolley witch came by. 

"Oh I'd love a pumpkin pasty but I forgot my money back home." She said sadly as she put the book she was reading down. 

"Excuse me!" I said getting the trolley witch's attention. "Can we have two pumpkin pasties please?" I noticed Cedric and John mouthing at me. "And whatever they want too," I smiled back at them. 

After buying more than enough food and receiving a chorus of thanks we had relaxed, I was pretty tired but I saw what Hermione was reading, it was Voyages with Vampires.

"How is it 'Mione?" I asked getting her attention.

"How's what?" She asked putting the book down. 

"The book?" I replied. 

"It's good, but I definitely agree with you. Despite his looks Lockhart is a complete fool." 

"Oh... you think he's good looking?" I said sadly looking down at the floor.

"Oh, my, God." Hermione said looking out the window. I leaned in closer to her to get a better view and she pointed to a flying blue car and in the front seat were the distinctive black hair of Harry Potter and the bright-red hair that the Weasley children had inherited. 

"They're going to be in so much trouble." I said laughing. Hermione had put her book down and rested her head on my shoulder, she fell asleep quickly. 

"So... you two?" John said quietly, trying not to wake Hermione up. 

"I... I don't know. I think we're just friends." I said trying to calm the boys down. 

"Likely story," Walt said sparking up a conversation about quidditch, "you going to try out for the Gryffindor team Y/N?" 

"I'd like to, even though I haven't got a broom." I said sadly, the school's comet 260's were easily outflown by the butterflies. 

"Oh, just wait for your birthday." Cedric said grinning. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, Cedric vigorously shook his head and refused to talk about it anymore. 

After we pulled into the station in Hogsmeade Cedric, Walt, and John got up quickly and waited outside the cabin for Hermione and I. 

"'Mione we're here." I said softly, I didn't want to wake her up too quickly. 

"I'm comfy," she whined. "Five more minutes?"

"Sadly we can't, the carriages will be leaving soon." 

"Oh fine." She said getting up and grabbing her bags, the Hufflepuffs grinned wildly at us as we left the cabin and I glared at them like I was trying to say 'not a single word of anyone'

I was a little mad at them for how they were treating Hermione when we got in the carriage, they were teasing her for falling asleep on me. She was blushing madly and trying to hide behind me to escape their teasing, which made it worse. Seeing the huge castle looming out on the horizon made any upset feelings I had disappear, we were back at Hogwarts! Hermione and I compared our schedules and for the second year in a row we had the exact same schedule.

"More studying time!" Walt said airily when we realized our schedules were the same. Glaring at Walt I noticed Hermione had drawn little hearts next to all of our classes, I wondered what that was about but she didn't need any more embarrassment the first day back. 

"Hopefully, we'll have a little less of Voldemort to deal with this year." I whispered in Hermione's ear. 

"Hopefully none at all." Hermione retorted quickly. 

"You're absolutely right." I said as the cabin stopped, I opened the door for Hermione and helped her down but as Walter was stepping out I quickly closed the carriage door on him. 

"What's that for?" He said stepping back. 

"Just some fun!" I said turning around and walking with Hermione up to the castle. Truthfully it wasn't just for that, I was upset that they hadn't left Hermione alone despite all the protesting I had done. 

"Thanks for that." Hermione said laughing. 


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