one hundred two

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October 23rd, 2000

Beatrice was never one to wake up early, but the moment the faint sunshine illuminated her face that morning, she was instantly awake.

Her heart started doing somersaults since the moment she opened her eyes to receive the morning rays of sun while still lying in bed in Shell Cottage.

This was it. The day that her life was about to change forever.

It all felt like a fever dream. All of it.

And is she was being honest, Beatrice couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with Fred.

She could only hope that their time wasn't limited.

Love during times of war was dangerous and risky and exhilarating.

The amount of adrenaline is required, took a toll on one's heart.

Or it did so for Beatrice at least.

It did it every single time Fred kissed her goodbye before leaving for a risky mission or task, not knowing if he would be lucky enough to return or not.

But today, she wasn't going to think about losing him.

Today, she was going to focus on making the most of what was supposed to be the happiest day of her whole entire life.

Fred woke up alone in his and Beatrice's bed in Grimmauld Place.

Fleur decided that he was to spend the night and get ready for the wedding there since she alleged it was bad luck for the bride and groom to meet before the ceremony.

Him and Beatrice thought it was a load of bullshit but decided to follow Fleur's orders to avoid any quick and angry rant in French.

Ever since Beatrice confessed of her heart to heart with Molly, Fred had slowly tried to approach his mother once more.

The relationship had been strained enough in the past year or so, but he knew that Beatrice was right. She was the one who knew him best after all. And he did need his mother there, even if they didn't have the best of relationships.

It was around two in the afternoon when Fleur and Poppy began to rush Beatrice into getting ready.

Beatrice could see from the corner of her eye through the window that the Weasley brothers, all but Fred and George, were already out in the beach doing some finishing touches that Fleur insisted for all to be perfect.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed in her silk robe while Poppy did her hair and makeup. The two of them could hear that guests were beginning to arrive, clearly signaling that they needed to hurry up so that Beatrice could walk down the aisle in time.

Neither of them were talking much, the soft music playing from the record player being the only audible thing in room.

Poppy knew Beatrice too well. She knew that the blue eyed woman was stuck deep inside her thoughts and would speak when she felt ready to do so.

They had been friends since they were one year old after all.

"Pop?" Beatrice cleared her throat while Poppy curled some strands of her dark brown hair with her wand, letting them cascade down her back.

"Yeah?" Poppy asked, the focused expression never leavening her as she tossed her wand aside to perfect the eyeliner framing and intensifying Beatrice's bright blue eyes.

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