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Even two days later from the big blow up she had had at Fred, Beatrice couldn't stop thinking about him. They had been so close to each other that night, lips almost brushing together as they calmly spoke before the storm. She was leaning against the kitchen's counter, with a cup of black coffee in hand and her brows knitted together when Theo walked in.

"Is it so hard to wear pants now at days?" he shook his head and slightly pushed her sister aside, since she was in front of the coffee pot. She had been wearing nothing but underwear and Graham's old Slytherin quidditch jumper which fairly covered the majority of her thighs.

"You still love me," Bea grinned and ruffled his hair.

"I'd love you more if you would wear pants," Theo rolled his eyes.

"How's work?" she asked.

"The usual," Theo shrugged.

"So you have no idea why they haven't sacked you yet," Bea chuckled.

"That exactly," Theo nodded. "So what's with all the sexual tension between you and Weasley sis?"

"I beg your pardon?" Beatrice choked on her coffee and ended up burning her tongue.

"Come on Bea, I'm not Amy so I'm not clueless when it comes to that," Theo smirked and leaned against the kitchen table to look directly at her.

"I have no idea what you're on about?" Beatrice mumbled.

"Don't play dumb with me, the two of you were radiating sexual tension the night he came to drop drunkie off," Theo snickered.

"You're reading too much into things," she scoffed.

"I'm definitely not," he laughed.

"He definitely isnt!" Amelia yelled from the living room.

"Why are you making such a big deal out of it?" Theo chortled. "Just go and shag him and get it over with."

"He isn't a piece of meat," Amelia huffed and whacked the back of his head with the book she was previously reading in the other room. "Fred is nice so I'd say that you start going out with him and see what happens next."

"I don't go out in that way and you know it Ames," Beatrice groaned. "I don't have time for it, and if I did, Fred Weasley would be the last person in the Earth who I would go out with."

"I never said to go out with him, it's Virgin Mary who came up with that ridiculous idea," Theo raised his palm in defeat and earned another whack in the head by Amelia.

"I am waiting for the right person, who I will be in love with before sharing something so intimate-"

"We know," Theo and Bea said in unison.

"Just go and fuck him already Beatrice," Theo blurted. "You won't be losing anything and you'll get all of your hatred for him out of your system."

"I would be losing my dignity-"

"Not really, you lost that already when Filch caught you and Warrington in a broom cupboard," Amelia laughed.

"Fuck off," Beatrice rolled her eyes. "I'll be gone for a couple of days to look for the tree to fix Fred's wand so Amelia, you're in charge-"

"Still not fair that she's in charge if I'm older than hear," Theo muttered.

"Where do you need to go?" Amelia demanded.

"Delamare Forest in Cheshire," Bea sighed. "The specific English oak that Fred's wand is made of is there so I need to go get wood to remake the handle."

"You surely are putting a lot a time and effort into fixing Weasley's wand," Theo wiggled his brows. "If it would have been someone else, I bet that you would have just told them to get a new one instead."

"I'm with the idiot on this one," Amelia giggled. "You like him."

"I despise him, and this conversation is over," Beatrice said annoyedly and went to get ready and pack for her three day trip.

One of the many things that Beatrice loved about wand-making, was the fact that she able to take trips by herself to retrieve wood and cores for wands. Before his illness progressed, her grandfather would have normally accompanied her and guided her, despite her already knowing which tree was which and how to extract the magical cores as well. After spending a couple of years abroad to perfect her wandlore knowledge, Bea had become an expert when it came to wood extractions and dealing with the bowtruckles who usually guarded the trees with wand wood properties.

She loved being in the calm space of the forests, where there was nothing but acres and acres of nature and trees all around. She loved getting to camp by herself in the magically enhanced tent. She loved having space only to herself, well knowing that she was so deep into the forest that no soul rather than hers would be found wandering around.

In all honesty, it would have taken her less than thirty minutes to get the wood to fix Fred's wand, but she decided to extend her trip to have some time to herself. She had almost never allowed herself to be selfish in that aspect.

Beatrice had been caring for her siblings since the age of seven, and when her grandfather fell ill, that load also fell upon her. The last time she had felt free and careless, was in a French forest where she was studying more trees and their magical properties.

She missed the time when it was just her. Traveling from country to country and learning new things every single day. When she had returned to London after and urgent letter from St Mungo's, that freedom vanished in the blink of an eye. When she had returned, Beatrice simply was stuck in time.

After realizing how much he had fucked things up with Beatrice, and how much he still liked her since school days, Fred had come up with what he thought was the perfect apology. He had written it all down, read it multiple times to remember the main things and also the minor ones that he had to apologize for.

On his way to the renowned wand shop, he stopped by to buy a large bouquet of flowers in the local florist and by Sugarplum's Sweet Shop to buy the cauldron cakes that he remembered she had mentioned to be her favorites back when they met for the first time in the Hogwarts Express.

Nervously, he finally reached Ollivander's wand shop and opened the door, seeing Amelia sitting on the counter with a flame flying above her as she read.

"Oh, hey Amelia," Fred grinned. "Is that lovely sister of yours around?"

"She actually isn't," Amelia smiled and eyed what he was holding. "She'll be back in two days if you would like to leave a message for me to pass."

"No, it's fine," Fred shook his head and luckily tha lighting was so dim that Amelia could barely see through his red cheeks.

"You like her," Amelia giggled and closed her book.

"Yeah, that obvious is it?" Fred nodded. "Can you keep the secret though?"

"My lips are sealed, lucky for you I'm here instead of Theo 'cause he can't keep a secret to save a life," she smiled. "My secret keeping cost is a cauldron cake actually, if it interests you."

"Take them, I'll get her more when she comes back and hope she finds it in her to forgive me for being a complete arse," he chuckled and handed her tha box with cakes. "Thanks anyway Ames."

"Anytime," she shrugged and saw him turn around to open the door. "Fred, by the way-"

"Yeah?" he looked around as she started eating a cauldron cake.

"Her favorites are roses, she hates sunflowers, says they're too happy," she adviced.

"Right, thanks," he waved at her and left the shop.

"Amelia dear, who was that?" Ollivander asked as he came outside of the workshop to check on the wands his eldest granddaughter had been working on.

"Just a friend of Beatrice, or something of the sort," she hid a smile and held the box towards him. "Cauldron cake?"

"Always been my favorites," the old man smiled and took one before engaging in conversation with Amelia about the lastest wandlore book she had been reading.

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