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Ever since that first visit, Fred continued to accompany Beatrice to St Mungo's on a daily basis.

He started to take the earlier shifts at the shop in order to do so but he truly didn't care, seeing that Beatrice always seemed to be more relaxed when he was with her.

George was thankful enough that Fred was starting to take the shop seriously again. He understood that his brother was exploring something that he had never done so before, but it was annoying nonetheless. Especially, since him and Beatrice couldn't keep their hands away from each other and were fucking every single time they had the chance, even if it was during each other's lunchbreaks.

Already on the brother topic, Theo on the other hand hadn't said a single word to Beatrice since the small but heated fight they had the week prior. She could see that he was no longer staying home, or at least left when Bea did spend the night in her room rather than in Fred's in his flat.

What worried her the most, was the though that he had relapsed again and knowing that he didn't even want to see her broke her heart even more, despite her saying that it didn't affect her.

Fred knew otherwise.

He was the one holding her at night while she cried herself to sleep, unable to keep the tears of worry for her little brother at bay.

Seeing the side of her life that nobody knew, could only confirm what she had told him at the beginning of their relationship.

Her life was messy and complex.

And so was she.

He loved her nonetheless and didn't give the slightest fuck about the mess.

He was messy enough to understand her in that way.

Fred was discovering the deepest, rawest and most vulnerable side of Beatrice and she knew it. Slightly hated it since she had never let her guards down ever before. But in a way, she couldn't be more thankful for him being there to support her.

She felt loved.

Truly loved.


Fred was spending the night for the first time in Beatrice's flat, the latter deciding to do so to check in on her sister who she felt was probably feeling neglected.

Amelia wasn't in fact feeling that way.

She couldn't be happier for her sister finally having someone to look after her the same way she had done so for many years with herself and Theo. She did long to find a love like the one her sister and Fred shared. She of course had no idea that that love, would come in the form of a boy with bright green eyes and messy black hair.

Knowing that it was Theo's night to spend at the hospital, Amelia started dinner with Fred's help while Beatrice watched while sitting on the kitchen table.

Something that made Bea love Fred even more than what she thought was humanly possible, was the fact that he not only made her smile and laugh, but her little sister as well.

The two of them deserved some happiness after the life they had been forced to live.

After the three of them had dinner together, they sat on the sofa to watch a move on the muggle telly that Bea had insisted on getting years ago. She had gotten bored halfway through the movie, opting to focus on Fred instead rather than on the moving images in the screen.

Her heart couldn't help but flutter at the sound of his laugh and the way the corner of his eyes crinkled when he smiled. He was absolutely perfect.

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