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Triggering and slight mature content, viewer discretion advised.

Beatrice didn't really remember her father much.

She remembered him having dark hair and kind brown eyes. She did know however, that he was a very intelligent man, and despite not having many memories with him, she did have one.

"The mind is a powerful thing Beatrice, you must guard it and protect it like the most precious treasure in the world."

The day he bled out in front of her eyes, his blood staining her small delicate hands, she remembered those words.

She held those words close to her heart, repeating them over and over again when she felt her walls tumbling down, only to be lifted back up stronger at the phrase that played in the back of her head in a never ending loop.

She could tell that something in Fred's eyes had changed the moment the two of them arrived to the forest they were currently in.

One thing that many people didn't know, was that nothing slipped out of Beatrice Nott's mind.

She was analytic like no other. Always paying close attention and analyzing everything and everyone that surrounded her. Fred was no exception.

She knew he was up to something and she would figure it out even if it was to be the last thing she would ever do.

Fred could tell that Beatrice was becoming suspicious, yet he truly didn't know how she was doing so.

He had been careful not to leave traces behind every time he tried entering her mind. He knew he was being catious. He couldn't risk her finding out.

For the past two days, while she had been asleep he carefully placed both of his index and middle fingers on each of her temples, slowly entering her subconscious to not be found as he explored the area that was her mind.

The first time he did so, he was astonished at what he had found.

A great stone fortress tower, surrounded by thick stone walls and an impenetrable looking iron gate showing the way past the barriers.

Two days he had spent exploring the walls surrounding the fortress. He obviously knew that the only way to get deep inside her mind, thoughts and memories would be through the iron gates but he knew Beatrice better than that. He knew that there was no way in hell that it would be that easy for people to get inside.

He couldn't help but appreciate the resemblance to the way he himself, structured his thoughts and memories. Everything looked similar to his own mind. The fortress, the walls, the gate. The only difference being that he made his own fortress out of metal and hers was made of stone.

If he wouldn't have been forced to spy his girlfriend and get into her head, he would find the irony of the uncanny resemblance of their minds amusing.

He and Bea were to leave at night that day, but before they could end their little getaway, she wanted to go to the deepest part of the forest in search for unicorns. Not wanting her to by herself, Fred offered to accompany her and didn't even let her protest against it.

They were so deep inside the woods, that the rays of slightly cold sunshine were replaced by a gentle almost green like glow. Only a couple of faint golden rays managing to get through the thick and tall trees.

Fred could see that nature brought peace upon Beatrice's soul. He could see that if she could, she would stay by her own will on the patch of moss she was currently standing on forever. He knew that if she could, she would leave everything behind and live in the enchanted part of the forest. By herself, if she could.

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