
987 39 12

Triggering content, viewer discretion advised.
This chapter was very hard for me to write in one specific part, so please be aware of the trigger warning. I've written the list of possible triggers multiple times, but I want to warn that this part is very strong and not suitable at all for younger audiences.
*Sexual assault and PTSD themes are contained in this part.
Please refrain reading from "March, 1985," and move onto "November 24th, 12:11 am," if you are to be potentially triggered from the warnings.


November 23rd, 2001.
11:51 pm.
Malfoy Manor.

"Aster, time is running out," Juliette mumbled. "You need to take her and get her and Polly to safety."

"I know," he sighed heavily and hesitantly made his way towards Beatrice. "I need to take her now Bea."

"No," Beatrice shook her head as she looked up at him. "Please let me hold her longer-"

"We're running out of time," Aster swallowed the lump of tears forming inside his throat. "I'm sorry-"

"NO!" Beatrice screamed again as the baby was carefully ripped from her arms. She was too weak to stand up and fight him, she was helpless as he took her baby into his arms before casting a warm swaddle around her. "NO!"

"Bea, it's for her own safety," Aster said and turned around, hiding the now crying baby from her mother's view.

"NO!" Beatrice screamed as she tried pushing her brother away who was holding her back and preventing her from standing up and going after the eldest Malfoy. "NO, PLEASE DON'T TAKE HER AWAY!"

"Shhh, it's okay," Theo shushed, arms tightly wrapped around her frame and keeping her restrained.

"NO!" Beatrice screamed and cried at the top of her lungs, but it was too late.

Polly, Aster and Juliet were gone.

She screamed in a way she had never done before. Like her own heart was being ripped out from her chest cavity.

"If you want to see her again someday, you will have to forgive me for what I'm about to do to you," Theo took her face into his rough hands. "I'll make sure you see her again, but you have to trust me..."

Beatrice kept screaming and writhing, trying her best to push her brother away and go looking for her baby, but it was too late.

She was always too late.

Juliet was gone.

"Beatrice!" Theo said loudly, grabbing onto her shoulders to try and calm her down. "You'll see here again but I need you to cooperate if this shit is to work out alright!

"Greengrass, give me your wand and have this spare one," Theo ordered, putting his own wand away and taking Juliette's as the latter went to starts dealing with the fake birth scene set up with Beatrice's clone trapped in the bathroom.

"I'm sorry but this is for your own safety and for hers," Theo swiftly picked his still screaming and crying sister bridal style, signaling for Juliette to stun her and cast a disillusionment charm on them both to avoid the prying eyes of house elves, portraits and the other two inhabitants.

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