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Mature content, viewer discretion advised.

Being with Fred felt as easy as breathing and Beatrice couldn't get enough. She loved it.

In all honesty, she was happiest she had ever been in her entire life. And Fred was the only one to thank for it.

She tried to resist the attraction at first. Tried to repel the blooming feelings. He made it impossible though.

Fred was no better and Bea knew it.

They couldn't keep their hands off each other when they were together, which was driving George insane since Fred and Beatrice were always heavily making out in every room of the flat he stepped in.

Other than George, the only other person who openly knew about the older twin's surging relationship was Lee. Of course, Theo and Amelia also knew but chose best not to mention anything about it to their sister considering that they had eavesdropped on her private conversation with the redhead and invaded her privacy rather than letting her tell them at her own time.

Lee had found out not long ago and every time Beatrice got a flashback about that night, she physically cringed at the memory of it. Being George's boyfriend and Fred's best friend, meant that Lee had access to their flat at all times, thing that Fred hadn't really warned Bea beforehand.

"There's a pair of red panties on the kitchen floor," Lee laughed and joined George on the couch.

"Fucking wanker," George cussed Fred through gritted teeth. "I've told him a hundred thousand times to do it his fucking room."

"You're seriously not gonna tell me who Fred's mystery girlfriend is?" Lee raised his brows.

"He made me promise not to tell," George shrugged. "I'm not even sure if they're official right now or what-"

"Bloody Fred," Lee rolled his eyes. "Making my boyfriend keep secrets from me, what a great friend he is."

Meanwhile in Fred's room, if it hadn't been for the silencing charm placed around the room, Lee and George would have been able to hear the obscene and sinful moans eliciting from Fred and Beatrice. The headboard was slamming against the wall as she lowered her hips to meet each of his harsh thrusts.

Her breasts were bouncing on his face, lips parted letting every single moan and whimper escape her swollen lips. Fred was holding onto her hips with a bruising grip, which only fueled more pleasure into her as he guided her movements to meet his at the merciless pace he had set since she had first lowered herself onto him.

Glistening bodies shimmering from the moonlight coming from the wide window in his room, low moans and grunts of pleasure from him as she moaned his name like the most perfect symphony. She came around him, almost breathlessly and him following behind. Nothing could ever begin to compare to the euphoric feeling they reached together in each other's embrace.

They were both fucked and they both knew it.

No one they had been with before and would ever be with in the future, could begin to compare to each other.

"Oh my fucking God," she panted with her forehead pressed against his, chests heaving as they struggled to catch their breaths. "That was so fucking great."

"Great would be putting it lightly," Fred chuckled breathily and pressed a tender kiss to her lips.

"I could never get enough of your cock," Beatrice grinned and peppered kisses all over his face, focusing especially on his jawline which she found out was one of his weak spots.

sapphire || fred weasleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon