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Triggering content, viewer discretion advised.

"What?" Theo grinned, staring at his sister's shocked expression. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Do you ever shut up?" George bleated from behind him, his wand firmly pointed at Theo's upper back.

"So there goes the date," Fred groaned.

"Can someone please explain to me," Beatrice said slowly and closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath. "What the fuck, is going on."

"Didn't Fred explain beforehand?" Theo questioned, eyes darting to glare at the older twin. "I thought you would explain it to her."

"I was about to, before you bursted in unannounced," Fred rolled his eyes.

"I'm extremely confused," Beatrice muttered.

"You're confused?" Theo said with a huff. "I'm fucking confused."

"I'm gonna need a drink if I am to continue listening to this fucking prat speak," George grunted and summoned the bottle of wine that was placed on the table before taking a big gulp and turning to Beatrice. "Long time no see pretty eyes."

"Fucking hell," Fred ran a hand through his hair, looking up to meet her piercing blue eyes, angrily puncturing his soul. "Remember when I said I wasn't hiding anything?"

"Vividly," she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I lied," Fred sighed.

"Wow, I'm so surprised," she said sarcastically.

"This is like seeing my parents argue all over again," Theo smirked. "Without the expensive alcohol bottles and curses thrown across the room. And without the yelling."

"Shut up," George pleaded furiously. "For once in your like, shut the fuck up!"

"There is something going on in your mind, Tris," Fred confessed. "And Theo is here to fix that-"

"So this wasn't a date then?" she frowned, feeling her heart twist into a knot but concealing her hurt with her features turning into stone.

"It was a date," Fred tried reaching for her hand, only for her to swiftly grab the silver knife sitting on her plate and pointing it a him threateningly. "Love, listen to me.

"It was a date, I've been wanting to take you out and spend some time just the two of us alone with no distractions," Fred explained. "But Theo fixing your brain is just as important so it was killing off two birds with one stone tonight."

"And somehow you chose all the wrong words to explain that," she laughed incredulously. "So dinner with me is killing off a bird, crossing a task from your fucking check list of the day-"

"I didn't mean it like that," Fred groaned and threw his head back. "Just be quiet and let me explain the rest-"

"You shouldn't have said that," Theo grimaced.

"Alright," Beatrice laughed coldly. "If you want quiet, then quiet it will be."

"I don't know the whole story of the origins of it, but I know this much," Fred said. "The locks around your memories, we both know that your brother is the one responsible for it, we both saw in the memory of the night Juliet was born.

"And from what I know and has been slightly explained to my by your brother-"

"Who has a name," Theo interrupted.

"From Theo," Fred clenched his jaw. "Is that the more new memories that are unlocked, the more past memories lock themselves again. And now that you've been spending more time with Juliet, since your mind and magical signature are at ease, more new memories have been flowing.

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