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Triggering content, viewer discretion advised.

Beatrice was certain that if it hadn't been for Fred, she probably wouldn't have been able to survive the two days following her grandfather's death.

Dealing with the burial arrangements was hard enough as it already was but also dealing with her brother and sister's grief along with her own was unbearable.

She truly couldn't have been more grateful for having Fred in her life.

He was the little piece of sunshine that reminded her that there could never be rainbows without a little rain.

Fred was by her side the entire time, and seeing her in so much pain yet not being able to properly express it was killing him.

The first two days, she tried to get Theo to come out of his room but there was no answer from him. Amelia on the other hand was clinging onto her sister as if her life depended on it.

The night before the funeral, Bea couldn't bring herself to sleep.

Amelia was sleeping in her sister's bed, just like she had been doing since receiving the news. Despite hating physical touch that didn't come from Fred, Bea didn't have the heart to push her sister away well knowing that she needed her, hence why she had stuck with the kicking and sleep talking for three nights on end now.

Early in the morning, Fred arrived to the wand shop to help Beatrice with the rest of what she wanted to be an intimate ceremony details, which unluckily didn't get to happen the moment she arrived at the venue where the ancient wandmaker was to be buried.

The small cemetery was filled with people that Beatrice didn't even recognize. Reporters and photographers of the Daily Prophet were swarming the place and trying to get information and comments out of the three siblings, which caused Amelia to start having a panic attack in front of the whole audience.

Bea managed to calm her sister down, doing the breathing exercises that always helped the youngest Nott to not hyperventilate and the moment she turned around to see her brother, the scent of fire whiskey filled her nostrills.

"Fred, I can't take it anymore," Bea tugged on her black blouse's collar. "I feel like I can't breathe and I don't know why so many people are here-"

"I'll handle the reporters with George and Graham while you take a seat love," Fred kissed her forehead. "Try to remain calm and not come close to those nosy gits, I'll take care of it okay."

"Okay," she nodded and went over to sit in the front row, next to Theo who had his arm comfortingly thrown around Amelia's shoulders.

"I invited the Malfoys," Theo said quietly once his older sister sat down. "Mr Malfoy let the Prophet know by the way."

"He had no right to do so," Beatrice hissed and saw him reaching for something inside his suit's jacket. "Don't you dare take that flask out Theodore."

"You don't tell me what to do," he scoffed. "You're not my mother-"

"Put it away now," Bea said sternly. "I fucking mean it."

"Can the two of you shut the hell up?" Amelia blurted. "The three of us are having a horrible day enough as it is and the two of you fighting is only making my day worse so shut the hell up before I bloody to it for you."

"You heard her," Bea retorted. "Put it the fuck away."

"You're the worst sister in the entire world, did you know?" he rolled his eyes.

"Come up with something you haven't told me a thousand times next time for a change," she huffed.

"Already kicked them out darling," Fred whispered and took a seat next to his girlfriend. "It wasn't easy but it's done."

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