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Beatrice's eyes shot open and as she quickly jolted to sit on the hospital bed, she realized she was no longer there and no longer had thick ropes binding her down.

The back of her head ached terribly and the sudden intrusion of the light became too much for her eyes to handle. She closed them again and pressed the tip of her index and middle finger on her temple, starting to gently rub the pained area to see if it could help her headache go away.

Her body felt sore and bruised. But her mind, her mind was racing.

She didn't remember much from what happened before waking up in the odd hospital.

Faint glimpses flashed through her mind as she tried her best to remember.

She saw a flash of brown eyes. Beautiful and almost familiar chocolate brown eyes.

She saw another flash of red hair. Soft looking and ruffled from the wind. She wanted to reach out and touch it.

She saw another flash. It was more violent.

It was a fight.

A large hand wrapped around her throat. Prominent veins on the strong forearm that was pinning her throat down.

And then...

Crack. Crack. Crack.

"Morning sunshine," a voice she grew familiar with the night before spoke. "Took you long enough."

"Where am I?" Beatrice squinted her eyes to glare at him.

Red hair and brown eyes. Sharp features and a jawline that could cut diamonds.

There was a mischievous glint in his eyes that look too close to home, that she couldn't quite place.

"Order headquarters," Fred folded the copy of the Daily Prophet he had been reading and set it down on the edge of her bed.

"How did I get here," Beatrice grunted, her cold blue eyes unmoving from his.

"Yours truly," the redhead man grinned . "Do you know who I am?"

"The arsehole that cracked my head last night, forced veritaserum down my throat and then made me answer a shit ton of questions," she said bitterly. "Only to try and poison me with pumpkin juice to top it off."

"Only that?" Fred raised his brow at her, almost teasingly.

"No, you're also the target that I was assigned," Beatrice sat straighter and angled herself to be completely facing him. "And for two years I've been looking for you, but you weren't to be found."

"Stalker much," Fred smiled.

"What do you want from me then, Frederick?" Beatrice demanded.

"No need for the full name," he lifted his palms in defeat. "Fred is more than fine. You can also call me handsome, light of my eyes, love of my life-"

"So you're not one of the lot that like to go by daddy," she sneered, trying to find out what would press him or not.

"Anything, but the daddy kink," Fred shuddered and she could see the scrunch of disgust on his nose.

"What do you want?" Beatrice spat.

"You tell me," Fred slouched on the chair he was sitting at and crossed his arms over his chest.

"That makes absolutely no sense," she crossed her arms as she kept glaring at him.

"I thought the almighty and powerful Medusa didn't speak," he taunted with a smirk. "The streets say that at least."

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