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After weeks of endless waiting and careful planning, Fred's plan to rescue Beatrice was finally done and perfected. He had been so precise and so meticulous, that nothing was bound to go wrong. It would be as simple and smooth as riding a broom in a summer day.

Two days before the rescue mission would actually happen, he gathered his own friends along with Bea's in Cedric's house in the dead of the night to review the plan and make sure that everyone was in synchrony with instructions and back up plans.

"Can we go over it one more time?" Alicia Spinnet asked from her seat on the sofa next to Katie Bell.

"It would be the third time Fred says it," Adrian grunted. "It's not that hard to understand you know."

"I know that," Alicia snapped. "But hearing it one more time will probably help in the plan sticking more in all of our brains."

"It's fine, I'll go over it one more time," Fred sighed. "August 31st at seven o'clock-"

"Does it have to be precisely, August 31st at seven o'clock in the evening?" Alicia looked up at him suspiciously.

"Yes," Fred answered and ignored her gaze. "I've been surveilling Malfoy Manor these past couple of days, there are anti-apparition wards all over the state so we'll have to apparate some three miles away from the manor and go by foot.

"We won't go through the front gates for obvious reasons, but instead, we'll climb the yew hedge because surprisingly, they don't have any protective wards to it. The only issue is being careful to choose sides of the hedge where some of the peacocks are not on roaming on top. They tend to be aggressive and territorial so the other safe option to get them out of way is stunning them.

"Once we're already inside the manor's grounds, we'll divide into different squads and each of them will have a leader. Alicia, Cee and Adrian go with Cedric, he's in charge so you'll do everything he'll say to avoid being injured or killed-"

"Lovely," Cecillia muttered.

"George, Katie and Lee with Charlie, same rules. With me are Poppy, Graham and Oliver, all clear?" Fred's eyes scanned the room.

"Yup," the rest agreed.

"I have a question though, why are Katie and I separated if I asked to be with her," Alicia demanded, senting an apologetic look to Adrian, Cee and Cedric. "No offense."

"None taken," the three of them shrugged.

"Because you, Poppy and Katie are healers," Fred explained. "In the case that one team gets to Tris first and she's been wounded badly, she'll need medical assistance. And in the case any other person of your squad gets injured, they'll need assistance right away so there's a field healer for each team."

"You really thought of everything, did you?" Charlie looked at his younger brother proudly.

"I did," Fred nodded.

"You'd make a good Order general Fred," Oliver Wood added.

"There is nothing about the Order that I care about anymore," Fred mumbled. "I just want Beatrice back."

"So we have the team established already, what's next?" George said cheerfully.

"Before going inside the house, disillusionment charms are key, especially so that the portraits won't see anything and recognize any of us. Cedric's team will go inside the house through the south wing, which is Narcissa's. There isn't as much security there as on the other wings.

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