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November, 2003

Sitting on their bedroom floor wearing a tiara and a pink boa as he watched Juliet serve imaginary tea and biscuits, Fred couldn't believe that his baby girl was about to turn two years old.

She was getting bigger and bigger each day and he only wanted for time to go by slower and let him enjoy her toddler years longer.

Light freckles were scattered over Juliet's nose and rosy cheeks, only remarking the resemblance to her mother further. Her hair had grown longer and now the waves of soft strawberry red hair sat on her shoulders, which made his job harder each morning since he had to learn how to do it for her.

Juliet was kind and sweet and loving. She still slept in Fred's arms every single night, and on the nights she didn't, she would wait and sneak out of her bed to lie on top of him.

Despite of having too many aunts and uncles to keep her entertained, Juliet's safe and comfort person was her dad. And Fred took pride at the fact that he was the one who Juliet loved the most in the world.

He loved her a thousand times more.

With the passing months, he had also come to realize that Juliet was incredibly smart.

The way she talked and the amount and choice of words that she used, he was certain that it wasn't normal for any two year old. He definitely knew she got her brain from Beatrice, there was no denying it.

She was observant and absolutely perceptive, noticing the faintest of details that even most grown ups would overlook. She liked learning and reading, hence why Hermione had become one of her favorite persons since all she did when they were together, was read and talk to her about fascinating subjects.

Fred was slightly concerned about Juliet's growing magical signature.

Every month Poppy checked her up, and every month the floating golden hologram of a ball of light was bigger and stronger. And no matter how much Poppy reassured that nothing would happen to her, Fred couldn't help but worry.

He felt that it was all he did these days.


The war was reaching a turning point.

The Order didn't have an advantage anymore.

For a short period of time, as their troops decreased along with the impact and power, there was still hope of regaining the advantage again.

But months went by and it didn't happen.

They just continued to slowly sink and sink.

Fred's victims from the shack didn't possess as much information as others did in the past. No.

The information the Order needed was no longer within the middle rank hostages they caught.

Everything was kept to the highest ranks and Voldemort's inner circle. All of it.

And the bastards were harder to catch than smoke.

And Medusa, she was the Order's downfall.

She was a weapon.

She was Voldemort's favorite weapon.

She was as deadly as a poison infused dagger blade.

She was as deadly as a bullet to the heart.

And she was so compelling and entrancing to Fred, that he fantasized about the many ways he wanted to torture and kill her.

He hadn't seen her personally. And he was dying to.

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