(Age of Ultron arc) Finale

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Seeing S.H.I.E.L.D moving in to secure the civilians, Ultron quickly sent his sentries to intercept, sending a cavalry towards the Helicarrier.

Maria: "Sir, we have multiple bogies coming in on our starboard flank"

Nick: *smirk* "Send them what we got"

Maria: *to comms* "You guys are up"

As the Ultron sentries converge onto the Helicarrier, a pair of miniguns manage to shoot the cavalry down, the aircraft then flew past the debris to show Rhodey in his War Machine armor flying with a Quinjet with Chris sitting in the cockpit.

Rhodey then circled back and punched another Ultron bot in mid-air before resuming to take down the bots.

Rhodey: "Yes! Now this is gonna be a good story"

Chris: "Great kid, don't get cocky"

Tony; "Yep, and assuming you'd live to tell it"

Rhodey: *scoff* "You think I can't hold my own?"

Tony: "If we get threw this, I'll hold your own"

Rhodey: "You HAD to make it weird"

Tony and Rhodey then flew close to each other to loop back towards the Helicarrier before dispersing, Chris took the opening to fly past the two armored avengers as he mows down another fleet of Ultron sentries.

While the sentries were still pre-occupied by Tony and the others, The lifeboats manage to touch down onto Sokovia safely as civilians quickly flood out of the buildings to seek refuge in the lifeboats with Steve and Natasha leading the evacuation.

With the evacuation taken care of, Y/n took the liberty of swinging around to locate any civilians that might need help.


As Y/n was swinging, he was tackled out of the air by an Ultron Sentry that was being controlled by Ultron as he held Y/n in a chokehold.

Ultron: "Hello, creator~"

Y/n: "You know there are better ways to say hello than chokehold right?"

The sentry then flew towards the church before hurling Y/n towards it, leading him to skip across the ground before laying next to Thor.

Y/n: "Oh...There you are, Thor"

Ultron then lands in front of the two Avengers in his Vibranium body before staring them down menacingly.

Y/n: "You know sometimes I wish I just encounter a villain that hugs people. Imagine that? A rampaging teddy bear that gives out cuddly hugs to people"

Thor and Y/n then pushed themselves to their feet and began battling Ultron, in the beginning, they manage to overwhelm him, weaving left and right in tandem with their attacks, granted Y/n couldn't just grab Thor's hammer out of the air in fear of ruining their momentum, they manage to make it work until Ultron manages to catch on and catches the two as went for another simultaneous attack before pinning them to the ground.

Ultron: "You think you're saving anyone? I turn that key and drop this rock a little early and it's still billions dead. Even you can't stop that"

Y/n: *struggle* "Thor?"

Thor: *struggle* "I am, Thor son of Odin, and as long as there is life in my breast, I am...running out of things to say! Are you ready?"

Out of Nowhere, Ultron was hit to the side by Vision while using Mjolnir, causing Ultron to fly out of the church, freeing Y/n and Thor from his grasp.

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