(Wilson Fisk arc) Part 1

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It's been a few months since Career Day, Manhattan is finally recovering from the attack as well as Wilson Fisk openly declares Spider-man as a menace. This boasts J Jonah Jameson's ego as he repeats that he was right all along, but it wasn't thanks to him that the people finally opened their eyes

Teacher: And that's how he conquered the nation in 1847. Questions?"

The teacher has concluded their discussion about a tyrannical ruler and went to turn to their class. The teacher's eyes landed on Y/n as he lay on his desk asleep, hands over one another as he laid his head on them to act as a pillow while having a book over his head to block out noise and the sunlight.

Teacher: "Mr. L/n!"

The teacher called out, startling Y/n awake as he shot up from his seat causing the book to slide off his head.

Teacher: "Am I boring you, Mr. L/n?"

Y/n: "Oh? Uhm, no it's just...Spent too much time studying again"

Teacher: "Well, do try to stay awake. I wouldn't want to see you in detention when you could be laying down on your bed at home"

Y/n: "Yeah, sorry teach!"

Teacher: "Just take some time off, alright? Take care of yourself"

Y/n: "I will"

The lunch bell then rang as the teacher quickly wraps up the lesson before the students began filing out of the classroom. Y/n looked out the window one more time to look out into Manhattan before taking a long yawn.

When Y/n finished yawning, we see him sitting down at the lunch table with Peter and other friends as they placed their lunch tray on their table.

MJ: "Wow, 3 yawns in 1 minute. You ARE tired"

Peter: "He's been staying up late constantly 'studying'. He rarely turns off his desk lamp at night"

Gloria: "But, studying 24/7? That surely isn't good for you"

Betty: "Yeah, are you at least taking some time to sleep?"

Y/n "Guys, I'm- *yawn* I'm fine, plus I'm not that tired"

Miles: "You went in line with a lunch tray and didn't even get lunch"

Y/n then looked down at his lunch tray and see that he has got no food on his tray. Sighing, Gwen went to give Y/n some of her lunch but Y/n quickly denies the gesture.

Y/n: "Nah, this is exactly what I want, a perfectly nice time to sleep. Now if you'll excuse me"

Y/n then threw his lunch tray behind him and used his arms as pillows once again as he continues his slumber.

The lunch tray that Y/n threw flew across the cafeteria and slammed on a student's lunch tray, and that student was none other than Flash Thompson. Having his lunch spilled on his outfit, he looks around the room enraged at whoever threw the tray at him.

He scans around until he lands on Y/n who was sound asleep. Finding his target he angrily stomped his way towards his table, Peter and the others looked over and grimaced as Flash got closer to Y/n.

Flash: "Hey, dweeb! Think you're hot shit?!"

Flash called out to Y/n but he kept snoring away, ignoring his call-outs, enraging him further. He then grabbed Y/n by the back of his shirt and held him in the air as MJ quickly protested.

Flash: "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

MJ: "Flash!"

???: "Let him go"

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