(Age of Ultron arc) Part 2

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After detaching from the Iron Legion droid, Y/n lands on the edge of the snowy forest where the Quinjet is tucked away. 

Y/n lands by the entrance of the Quinjet where he saw Clint strapped onto the table while holding his side, Thor accompanied Clint as he stood around as he waits for the others to arrive. 

Y/n: "You look like shit, Clint"

Clint: *groan* "Yeah, don't let Cap hear you say that"

Y/n: "Wouldn't be the first time...What is up with this lukewarm air?"

Taking off the scarf around his neck, Y/n wraps it around a headrest of one of the seats on the Quinjet before slipping off the upper part of his suit, letting his body exposed to the air, catching Thor by surprise as he respectfully admires his physique.

Thor saw Y/n's toned muscles along with a few recovering bruises along with some scars that are slowly healing away.

Thor: "I see you've seen a fair share of battles since we last met"

Y/n *notice bruises* "Oh, these? I wouldn't say battles, more like very vicious beatings"

Two pairs of footsteps were heard outside of the ship, when they round the corner, Y/n, and Thor spots Natasha carrying Bruce Banner as she places him inside the jet.

Y/n: "So this mission is safe to say was a moderate success?"

Natasha: "Easy for you to say, you weren't there"

Y/n: "Oh jeez, I wonder why"

Natasha chuckles before wrapping a blanket around the resting Banner, she then stood up before heading to her spot on the Quinjet.

Y/n: "Thanks again for letting me use your scarf, Nat"

Natasha: *notices Y/n shirtless* "You're not okay with showing yourself without the mask, but you are okay with being shirtless around us?"

Y/n: "The insulation I added to my suit worked a little too much. Man, Tony should invest in better air conditioning"

As if on cue, Tony lands near the Quinjet with the Scepter in hand as Steve arrived on a different motorcycle.

Tony: "The Jet's not even on, Spider-man. Of course, there's no air conditioning"

Y/n: "Ohh...That's how that worked"

Tony then walked inside the Quinjet and puts his armor away before tossing Y/n a random T-shirt.

Tony: "Put on a shirt, it's basic human decency"

Steve: "We ready to move?"

Tony: *secures Scepter* "Good to go"

Steve: "Then let's move"

Slipping on the shirt, Y/n took a seat on one of the chairs as the rest strapped in also as the Jet began to take off.

Bruce woke up a few minutes after the Jet had gained its desired altitude above the clouds and was now listening to some classical music.

The rest strapped off their seats and began roaming around the Jet and its surprisingly large interior space. Y/n took the straps off his person before standing beside Thor as they overlook the scepter that was encased in a metal viewing case.

Y/n: "Hey, Thor. I've been meaning to ask you something"

Thor: "What is it, Man of Spiders?"

Y/n: "Wrong kid of Spider-man but whatever, I was wondering if you ever thought of how the scepter controls people's minds"

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