(Age of Ultron arc) Part 5

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The Hulk is seen rampaging in the city streets of Africa, attacking buildings and vehicles alike with no regard to human safety. Police and the Military quickly moved to the scene, helping civilians flee as the rest shoot their rifles at Hulk in hopes of Neutralizing him. 

When the Hulk turns to cause chaos for the police, a steel beam was slammed in front of the Hulk, another beam then landed near Hulk, then another, until he was surrounded by the steel beams before a reinforced metal sheet connects from one beam to another, encasing the Hulk.

Hulk tries to slip out of the pseudo-cage by slipping through the last pair of beams only to be administered an electric shot before getting shut out completely. 

With the Hulk contained, police went to move in as civilians were escorted out of the scene. As the police inch closer to the contained Hulk, a loud bang could be heard as Hulk tries to punch out of the cage. 

This quickly caused the police officers to raise their guard and readied their firearms as the banging continued at a rapid pace with an extreme force that causes the entire cage to shake. 

When the police got close to the cage to inspect it, the entire road beneath it collapsed along with the cage.

The police hastily look around to locate Hulk's whereabouts, however, a few ground shakes later, Hulk bursts out of the ground and slammed his arms down onto a sedan as a woman screamed for help.

Before Hulk could destroy the vehicle, a web flew across the Hulk's face, he went to look at where the web came from, only to receive a punch from Y/n. Y/n then pulled himself upwards before sending a downward punch across Hulk's other cheek before landing in a 3-point stance. 

Y/n: "Hey, Hulkie...how about we all just calm down and we'll have a nice heart-to-heart chat"

Hulk only gave a grateful roar towards Y/n.

Y/n: "Alright, so you don't want to talk?"

Hulk growls and went for another roar, only for his mouth and eyes to be webbed shut.

Y/n: "There you go!"

Hulk then began scratching off Y/n's webbing, as he vaults over the Hulk and kicks the back of his head, sending the Hulk to his knees. 

When Hulk finally removed the webbing from his face, he turns around only to be met with Tony's Iron man armor, only this time the armor towers over Hulk as a metal pod hovers a few feet behind Tony as he finishes assembling the Mark 44 armor, The Hulkbuster armor.

Tony: "Alright everybody, stand DOWN!"

Tony used a loud P.A system in his suit to try and get in touch with Hulk.

Tony: *to Hulk*  "You listening? That little witch is messing with your mind. You're stronger than her, you're smarter than her, you're Bruce Banner"

Hulk then roars angrily at the mention of Bruce Banner.

Tony: "Right. Right, don't mention puny Banner"

After failing to talk Hulk down, Y/n lands on a streetlamp near Tony.

Tony; *to Y/n* "Remember the plan?"

Y/n: "You and Hulk cause property damage while I try to get civilians out of the way"

Tony: "Okay, I did not say those exact words-"

Y/n: "CAR!!"

Y/n jumps away in time as Tony was hit by a car before getting sucker punched through it by the Hulk. 

Tony: "Okay"

Tony reorients himself before rocketing towards the Hulk and grabbing him by the throat as he drags him across the street. Hulk then props his feet onto Tony's chest before kicking him away.

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