(The Mary Janes arc) Part 1

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MJ: "You coming, Pete?"

Peter: "Y-yeah, on my way!"

Peter then got off the bus before walking with MJ back to her apartment as the bus drove to the next stop.

MJ: "Come on, my apartment's this way"

Peter: "Okay...lead the way"

Flashing a smile at Peter, MJ leads Peter to an apartment complex. With the elevator out of order, Peter and MJ took the stairs up to the 5th floor where her apartment is located. Once they reached the floor, Peter hunched over panting for breath as MJ walked towards her apartment door. 

MJ: "Welcome to my humble abode"

MJ turned her back to Peter and walked to her apartment, even from a distance Peter could see the sudden change in MJ's mood once she came in contact with the doorknob.

MJ: *mumble* "At least, that's what I want it to think..."

Peter: "Hmm? Did you say something?"

MJ: "Oh! No, it's nothing. Must've been pretty exhausted back at the Park, come on in"

Unlocking the front door, MJ walks into her home with Peter close behind before shutting the door behind him. When Peter turns back towards the apartment, he was shocked to see the complete opposite of what he expected.

In front of Peter was a slightly run-down apartment, the wallpaper having slight tears and scratches that expose the plywood walls. The carpets were slightly dark and dirty along with some furniture that may as well come from a thrift shop. Yet despite its flaws, there were functional lights and working electricity around the home, completely contrasting the previous flaws of the household.

MJ: "Ah, jeez. Not again..."

Peter hearing MJ's dread, looks to where she's facing and spots a middle-aged man sitting on the couch, with a bottle of alcohol in his hand, passed out while watching TV. 

MJ: "You go and head  Pete, my room's the farthest to the left"

Peter: "Farthest, left. Got it"

Peter nodded before heading deeper into the apartment to MJ's room, he manages to move around thanks to the well-lit areas and reached a door with MJ's nametag on the door, before he enters MJ's room he looks across and saw another room but with the nametag removed judging from the blank space that was left on the door. 

Peter then swings the door to MJ's room open, revealing a few posters of popular rock bands on the walls as well as MJ's guitar along with an amp sitting in the corner. Peter went to shut the door and wait for MJ to come inside but not before hearing scrambling footsteps followed by a loud crash before being followed up by slight whimpering.

Undistinguishable voice: "Hey...it's okay, it's okay..."

[Present Day]

Peter: "I'm telling you Y/n, that's exactly what happened!"

Y/n: "Alright so let me get this straight..."

It's been a few days after the Sokovia incident, Y/n and Peter were seen sitting on the bleachers as Peter recalls the events after their parting from the amusement park.

Y/n: "You think MJ is being abused at home?"

Peter: "What else could that reason be?"

Y/n: "Well, for one..."

MJ: "2! 3! 4!"

The sound of instruments synchronizing playing cuts Y/n off mid-sentence, the sound of the Energetic waves of the guitars, the exciting beating of drums, along with the harmonizing synch of the keyboard were present as the band rehearse their songs until Gloria hits the wrong key on her keyboard, ruining the synchronization to the music, forcing MJ to stop playing.

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