(Wilson Fisk arc) Part 10

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After the shootout on the convoy, Fisk's men escorted him into a shot-up truck that the gunmen used to ambush the convoy. 

They drove out of the scene before the police could arrive, the truck weaving in and out of traffic until they reached a factory garage where they parked the truck inside. The goons then opened the back of the shot-up truck and set up a small staircase for Wilson Fisk to step down from the truck before getting inside another more inconspicuous truck to transport Fisk into. 

Once he was safely on board, the goons grabbed a new set of wheels to lead the truck out of the garage before making their escape out of Hell's kitchen. Unbeknownst to them, Y/n has been perched on a street lamp and watched as they drove off, Y/n uses the lenses of his mask to scan the convoy seeing 3 pairs on three separate cars in front of the truck that housed Wilson Fisk accompanied by two other goons that are seated on the front. 

The convoy took a path through an abandoned part of Hell's kitchen to make their escape, seeing the coast was clear the fisk goons on the leading car decided to spark a conversation. 

Fisk Goon #1: "Looks like it smooth sailing from here"

Fisk Goon #2: "Dude, knock it off" 

Fisk Goon #1: "What? I'm just stating the obvious"

Fisk Goon #2: "Ever heard of Murphy's Law? Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong"

Fisk Goon #1: "Man, you and you're superstition. Just relax would ya? It's alright"

Fisk Goon #2: "Bro, I'm serious, knock it off!"

Fisk Goon #1: "Well then go on tell me, what's the worst thing that could happen that we haven't got a plan for?"

Fisk Goon #2: "I...umm...Uh..."

Fisk Goon #1: "Exactly, nothing. You gotta ease up a little man, besides it's not like Spider-man is gonna come and check this specific path to look for us"

Y/n: "Ta-da!"

Y/n lands on the roof of their car and peeked down on the car's windshield, surprising the two goons. 

Fisk Goons: "Aaahhh!"

Y/n: "Say my name and I magically appear, hey you guys wouldn't mind if I forcefully pull you over right?"

Fisk Goon #1: "What the hell are you-"

Y/n: "Sweet! Glad we could come to an understanding"

Y/n pulled back from the windshield and went over to the passenger side where he jumped off the roof before shooting a web towards the passenger side door and pulling himself through the window, kicking the goon towards the driver before out of the driver side window.

Y/n then zipped himself and the two goons towards a wall where he mushed the two together before webbing them in place as the car they once drove spun out and crash into a warehouse. Once they were webbed securely Y/n pushed himself off the wall as he made his way back to the convoy. 

Fisk Goon #2: "See? I told you something bad could happen"

Fisk Goon #1: *sigh* "I hate you..."

Moving over to the second vehicle, Y/n lands on the roof of the car alerting the goons of his presence. one of the goons pulled out his pistol before taking shots on the room at Y/n while the driver began swerving around to try and lose him. 

Y/n: "Alright, Okay. Clearly, you guys need a time out from all this road rage you've been having"

Y/n looks around while dodging the goon's bullets to find a way to stop the car, he then decides on another brick wall of a warehouse. When the driver takes a sharp left, facing a corner close to a warehouse, Y/n used this opportunity to shoot to webs towards the warehouse before latching his feet onto the roof of the car and, using the momentum of the car, redirects it towards the warehouse, sending the front of the car crashing into the brick wall, sending the car out of commission. 

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