(Age of Ultron arc) Part 4

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After the events back at the party, Peter and I decided to call it a day as the rest of the Avengers stood behind and discuss the events regarding Ultron. 

Y/n: "Sorry about the party, I didn't expect to get attacked in the middle of the after-party"

Peter: "It's fine, it's not every day you get to fight with the Avengers"

Y/n: "I guess so, thanks for the assist by the way. I appreciate it" 

Peter: "What are friends for"

The elevator then stops at the ground floor as we make our way to the exit. 

Peter: "What was that by the way? Something about 'Ultron'?"

Y/n: "Ultron is an Artificial Intelligence, designed to control the Iron Legion, it was made by Tony and Bruce...along with me"

Peter: "Wait, you're working on Artificial Intelligence?"

Y/n: "I was, not until the same A.I is going rogue and plans to wipe out the human race"

Peter: *shrug* "Must be a bug in the programming"

We then pushed against the glass doors of the tower before walking along the sidewalk to head to a nearby bus stop.

Y/n: "You seem pretty level-headed, seeing as you've just found out the world is ending"

Peter: "Well, the same could be said for me right? With the whole Lizarding of Manhattan"

Y/n: "You know that wasn't you, right?"

Peter: "I know, but it all brewed from my mistake. This came from yours, just on a much bigger scale. But I know you'll find a way to fix it"

Peter and I then reached the bus stop and didn't wait long for a bus to arrive. As Peter gets on, a notification popped up on my phone. Fishing it out of my pocket, I saw a crime alert happening a few blocks away. 

Peter: *looks back* "Gotta go?"

Y/n: "Gotta go, have a safe ride home"

Peter nods before heading to his seat in the bus as I run off into the alleyway where I take off my clothing piece by piece before pulling apart my shirt while running, showing off my Spider-man suit underneath.

After quickly changing into my suit, I swing out of the alleyway and make my way to the location where the crime was located. But when I arrive at the scene, perched up a building I see nothing, not a single evidence of a crime that takes place.

Y/n: "That's strange, crime system said there was a mugging right here"

???: "Well, I wasn't sure what crime you'd go for but I suppose anything will catch your attention"


I jumps off from his perched position and landed in the opening and faced my would-be opponent, as I look up to where the voice came from I saw a Legion bot slowly descending, but instead of the friendly blue glow the usual Legion bots have, this legion bot has a fierce red glow that gave the more menacing look.

Y/n: (Ultron)

Ultron: "So nice to meet my final creator..."

Y/n: "Who are you?"

Ultron: "You know who I am, Spider-man. Or should I say Y/n L/n?"

Y/n: *shock* "I don't know what you're talking about"

Ultron: "Oh, don't try to deny it. I've seen your feats all around Manhattan, been trending on the internet for quite a while now"

Ultron then lands on the roof with me before projecting a hologram of videos of my heroics as Spider-man.

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