(Avengers arc) Part 8

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Manhattan is in disarray, vehicles caught on fire, buildings slowly crumbling to rubble as civilians try their best to find safety amidst the explosions and chaos caused by Loki and his Chitauri army.

Steve: "They're like fish in a barrel down there"

Y/n: *whisper* "Peter, what's the sit-rep?"

Peter: *comms* "Most of the people have already evacuated to underground"

Y/n: "How are things going on your end?"

Peter: *comms* "Things seem to be pretty normal around here. Whatever's happening over there you guys got it pretty contained"

Y/n: "That's good"

Multiple Chitauri soldiers then landed just behind the 4 heroes armed with their staff rifles.

Y/n: "That, however, is not good"

Natasha: "We got this, you two. You can go ahead"

Steve: *To Clint* "You think you can hold 'em off?"

Clint: "Captain...It would be my genuine pleasure"

Clint then pressed a button on his bow as his quiver began changing one of the arrowheads Clint then peeked out of cover and pulled out the arrow and shot it at one of the Chitauri directly at its head as several bullets fly off upon impact, taking down a few more Chitauri along with it.

Natasha then laid down cover fire as Y/n and Steve jumped off the overpass, the latter landing on a bus before running along the roof before jumping off right as one of the Chitauri blows it up, all the while Y/n swung over to the crowd and began helping out the civilians.

Steve then began running across the chaotic streets, trying to get to the police blockade that is making a stand against the Chitauri. Over at the police blockade, however, a police officer runs towards another policeman who seems to be in command of the blockade.

Police officer: "Sir!"

Commanding officer: "What is it?"

Police officer: "It's gonna be an hour until they could scramble in the National guard"

Commanding Officer: "National Guard?! Do they even know what's happening here?"

Police Officer: "Do we?"

Steve then jumped onto one of the police cruisers and began telling orders.

Steve: "We need men in these buildings, there are people inside and are gonna be running into the line of fire. You take them to the basement or the subway. You keep them off the streets, I need a perimeter as far back as 39th"

Commanding officer: "Why the hell should I take orders from you?"

A Chitauri ship then flew past a corner to the blockade as 2 Chitauri landed beside Steve and tried to take them on. Steve bashed one of the Chitauri away with his shield before protecting himself from a blast coming from the other Chitauri before punching him away and going back to the one behind him and dislocated its neck with one bash from his shield before ripping the arm cannon off the other and knocking it away.

Commanding Officer: "I need men in those buildings, lead the people down and away from the streets!"

Policeman: "You got it"

Commanding Officer: *To comms* "We got to set-up Perimeter down to 39th street"

Y/n had just finished up escorting the civilians and is now swinging around to check if there's still more to help. When he was about to turn the corner, he saw Iron man fly past him, causing him surprised before his spider-sense warned him of something behind him. 

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