(Part Man, Part Spider, All Cop arc) Part 2

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I'm now in Captain Stacy's office in the precinct, our short patrol had little to no action. Just your average day in Queens.

Y/n: *groan* "This is so boring!"

George: "If you're just gonna sit there and complain, feel free to walk out that door and don't come back"

Y/n: "No, sir. I ain't no quitter, it's just that we've been cooped up in this office for a few hours now. Shouldn't we, I don't know...Patrol the streets or something? Like we did before"

George: "Before I was just an average cop, Patrolling was the job. Now that I'm captain plus the fiasco in Manhattan, It's all paperwork"

Y/n: "I just wish we could do something, you know?"

George: "You wanna do something?"

Y/n: *excitedly* "Yeah?!"

George: "Go to the pantry and get me some coffee"

Y/n: *sigh* "Yes, sir..."

I exhaustedly pushed myself off the couch and out of his office. I walked to the shared police pantry and add some coffee to the coffee machine before placing the dispenser in the machine and starting the coffee maker, I then went to a nearby cabinet and pull out a mug and place it nearby as I lean on the counter and wait for the coffee to finish.

???: "So you're the one Job shadowing Captain Stacy?"

I look behind me to see a female police officer walk up to me, she has short hair and Asian characteristics while wearing the normal police uniform with no modifications.

Y/n: "Uhh...Yeah, I am. *extends hand* Nice to meet you, miss...?

???: *shakes hand* "Watanabe, Yuriko Watanabe"

Y/n: "Hey, Yuri. Can I call you Yuri? I haven't seen you here before, new to the precinct?"

Yuri: *nod* "More like, new to the force. Just started as a cadet a few weeks ago"

Y/n: "What made you decide to join?"

Yuri: "You know the battle of New York?"

Y/n: "How could I forget?"

Yuri: "I remembered being so helpless, and it felt horrible. So I decided to enroll and hope I could make a difference"

Y/n: "Well, could always use a few more good in the world"

Yuri: "You got that right, what about you? What made you wanna shadow a police officer?"

Y/n: "Because of Captain Stacy"

Yuri: "You heard the stories too? I heard he arrested the most criminals during his time as a cadet, now he's praised highly today for his relentless devotion to the force"

Y/n: "Really? Never really seen him that way..."

Yuri: "Why not? What do you see in him that made you wanna follow him?"

Y/n: "Maybe because of all the things he's done for me"

Yuri: "What do you mean?"

Y/n: "You see, I never really got a chance to meet my parents as a kid...He did his best in raising me along with his daughter, I guess this is my way in reconnecting with him"

Yuri: "Wow...I didn't know the captain means that much to you"

Y/n: "Yeah, well...neither does he apparently"

I got off the counter and made my way to the coffee maker just as I see it was done. I poured the coffee into the mug.

Y/n: "He's basically treating me as his intern, hence why I'm over here making coffee for him"

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