"You're just jealous because now Morgan's five you and Mama P ain't getting none." I gently slap Y/n's chest holding in my laughter as Tony jaw clicks to the side and he slowly starts to walk towards Y/n. "No, no. I'm sorry I love you, I bet you're getting loads and loads. I can always babysit for you!"

I laugh with Pepper as Y/n bolts out of the kitchen, closely followed by Tony, both of them bounding up the stairs. We hear a small squeal and a slow down from Morgan who comes back down the stairs with a quizzical look.

"Why is dad chasing sissy?" Morgan looks between me and Pepper, both of us trying to think of something to say.

"Because she was being a meany pants." I say as Morgan shrugs it off and my eyes drop to see her holding a notepad in her hand. "What have you got there Morgan?"

"Oh, well, you wanted me to be your waitress so I have to take food orders." Morgan opens the pad tapping the top of the pen on it to get the pen tip out, looking at Pepper. "So Miss, what would you like for food and drink?"

"Well I heard waffles were the specials for today so I will take some of those please." Morgan nods, scrunching her brows as she scribbles it down on the notepad. "With eggs and bacon too please."

"And what would you like to drink ma'am?" Morgan looks back up at her mom who has a look of amusement on her features as I giggle at Morgan's formality.

"An orange juice would be perfect, thank you." Again Morgan scrunches her brows writing it down before walking over to me, tearing the paper out and slapping it on the counter with a smile.

"Your first order chef!" She giggles as I pick up the paper seeing the scribbly writing smiling at how adorable she is.

Wafles x 1 wif egs and bacon

Oring juce

I look back to Morgan who has made her way to the fridge and is grabbing the carton of orange juice, both her hands holding it steady as she tries to not drop it as it gets caught on the door shelf she is taking it from. I quickly step in lifting it the half inch up it needs making sure she has got a hold of it properly before letting go, not wanting to treat her like she isn't capable but also not wanting to have to clean up the mess if she does drop it.

I grab a glass from the top cupboard holding it in front of her, and unscrewing the cap of the juice with my other hand. As soon as the carton is open Morgan bites her lip and scrunches her brows as she starts to pour the juice in, I do my best to keep the glass under the flow of juice and as it gets to the top I am quick to make sure Morgan has the carton upright again.

"I will take this, and you can hand this to the nice lady waiting." I swap the carton out for the glass, not missing the middle finger pepper sends me from the corner of my eye.

"Thank you for helping sis." I raise my brow at the nickname for my nickname.

"Sis?" Morgan nods with a smile.

"Yeah Y/n is sissy and Sarah is S because her name starts with S and so does sister. So that means that you should be sis because you are a new sis. Not Y/n or Sarah but Wanda. My sis, Wanda." I bite my lip swallowing the sudden lump in my throat and blinking rapidly to hide the tears that want to make an appearance.

"Well I get to call you something too then, since you are now my one and only sister."

"Wait, you don't have a sister apart from me?" Morgan looks between me and her mom, as if she needs confirmation from Pepper to make the fact true her sudden movements cause her hands to move to and some of the drink to spill over the lip of the glass and onto the floor, not that Morgan notices.

Just Us - Wanda Maximoff x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now