Chapter Fifteen: Afraid

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Chapter Fifteen


Tall different trees, plants, and flowers dance around us; the woosh of wind isn't harsh but soothing like how it touches our skin. Sounds of nature also resound in the place, with the singing spring flowing somewhere in this free forest.

As we last here, the scents of flowers also mixed in the air, sweet, fruity, and even grassy, moist earthy fragrance of nature that was surprisingly addicting. The kind isn't bothersome and distracting but rather pacifying as if it was from a scented candle.

I was smiling the whole time since we got here, continuous clicking of my camera was apparent because of the magnificence of the scenery in front of me.

We are now inside the butterfly sanctuary located in a forest. Unlike other sanctuaries, there were no nets here, and the butterflies were freely flying everywhere.

Their colorous and kinds added to the greenery and brown-eries of this sanctuary.

I was now in the middle of tall bamboo trees. I pointed my camera at the heaven and captured the butterflies lingering freely. The length of the bamboo was emphasized, and the contrast between the bamboo leaves and the sunshine trying to pass through the gaps made it very fascinating.

It gave more focus to the butterflies and exhibited their true vibrant colors. I didn't know how many shots I did take, but I was very beyond contented to put down my camera and enjoy it with my bare eyes.

I smiled more when the wind blew on my face as if this forest were praising me for doing so. It wasn't also long when I decided to follow the sound of the raw stream coming somewhere around here,

I walked on the safe pathway made for visitors like me, and after a few more steps, the spring gladly received me. I smiled as I tracked the spring ways till my eyes couldn't reach. It was crystal clear water flowing down in the middle of this forest as butterflies flew around it.

The spring is a rocky site: It was shallow, it's cold spring water, very inviting to dip, which I'm going to do.

I sat on the big rock near the spring and took off my shoes and socks. I placed it on the top of the giant boulder and slowly plunged my feet into the water as I sat on the closer rock just beside the spring.

Shivers crawled to my body when my skin touched the spring water. It was cold and made me feel ticklish, and the rest were unwinding and mellowing.

I picked up my camera and took a shot of my bases in the water and the spring running to endless paths. Big rocks scattered as everything dances around the woosh of the winds, and who own the place, butterflies, reign above me.

"The guys would probably like this." I couldn't help but think of them; they must be busy somewhere opposite the side of this forest, taking pictures and sightseeing.

We are with the girls, and this must be the last time we will as they are going home tomorrow. We're just here for a half-day and going back to the homestay after we have our lunch to prepare the farewell party we have for them.

I heard the crisps sound of dry leaves cracking after being step-on; I glanced at the place where the sound came from, and a few seconds later, Heeseung Hyung showed up. I automatically gleamed at him, which he returned.

"We are looking for you." He said but not panicking; well, there's nothing to panic about since only the safe part of the forest is open for guests. "Hyung, strike a pose!" I told him, and he did with a peace sign that made me laugh a little he looks tiny in the shots.

"Are we going now?" I asked to answer what he said a while ago, "Nope! it became normal when anyone's not on sight." he replied, chuckling. I did, too, when I realized he was right.

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