The Final Chapter Twenty Three : We Fell In Love In October

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The Final Chapter

Twenty Three

We Fell In Love In October

As time passes, time gives us more answers to our questions; maybe we discover the answer ourselves, and it is just that sometimes it's an answer we are not ready for. Still, we must do it because it's for the best and perhaps will heal us.

Healing that doesn't happen overnight. But will help us move forward each day in our life, day by day-

The white walls are filled with different photographs lining up in their own way to show the secret and how beautiful the world is. Things, animals, smiling faces, people, attractions, and many more as subjects, equates to traveling around the world and meeting new people.

The places started to be filled as time passed, and the noise inside also resounded as it got crowded. It was the kind of noise that is one of my favorite, discussions made from the subjects and exchanging ideas and insights. How beautiful the photograph is and how emotional it is, how it made them feel something, and how it fills their heart and soul and then heals them.

"You were here again," Lily started,

It's been hours since I was done looking around, and everyone did well in their own exhibit, giving justice to the theme of 'Simple Beauty of the World'

"It's my exhibition," I only replied and smiled small. She chuckled at that, "I know you what I mean," she replied while looking at me, mocking.

I feel like she does, even though I didn't tell her. How ironic of me to attend my own exhibitions to see someone rather than supporting my own. I know that's not professional, but I couldn't help it.

Maybe he will be here, he loves Agathos, so perhaps he will be here after missing all of the previous ones. For the last time I let myself hope like the earlier ones.

"Have you made round? You're the only one who has countrysides as subjects," she told me; there was proudness in her voice, which made me smile, yet there was a hint of bitterness behind it. I always thought the countryside was underrated, but I didn't know this much.

I continued to look at the people in different crowds as they assessed and got lost in my photographs. It still makes me nervous. Honestly, I saw how people reacted to the pictures I took for every exhibit in the past eleven months.

"I can't believe it, too," I replied with slight disappointment. I don't know how I was supposed to feel. How it was different, and I am the only one who has it as a subject.

I am happy it serves my purpose, but for some reason, the fact made me feel blues. Those feelings didn't last long, like unwanted emotions that linger on me whenever I see people react to my photographs.

I have seen people in front of my works with lips curlings, blues in their eyes, roughness, and grimace on their expressions. As well as the calmness, tranquility, and sereneness painted in their features just like now.

All unwanted emotions just vanish away and are swept up by the thoughts. 'I am a compelling photographer who can bring out people's emotions through photography.' Those emotions are a sign that I was doing well with my work.

"I didn't know if you know, but everything is almost sold out," Lily whispered just enough for us to hear.

"Oh really?" I asked, not meaning it to be too solemn as it sounded. I used to feel happy when I sold my photographs. Still, there was something on me right now that seemed like malfunctioning because instead of feeling happy, I feels different.

"What's with your tone? You're earning millions for each photograph," she said, sounding a little weirded out.

I stared at all the photographs I chose to exhibit; there were fifteen of them. The Ginko trees, round pavilion. The Hanji and sunsets, Banji City and the tower, The Paranomic views, The spring and falls, The fields, nights skies, sunset, sunrise, and more.

We Fell In Love In October : JakeHoonWhere stories live. Discover now