Chapter Seventeen: Wish

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Chapter Seventeen


I looked at myself in the mirror, wearing a comfortable pair of black sweatshirts and pants. It emphasized how broad my shoulder was like the usual and how tall I was. I paired it with white comfortable rubber shoes.

Hyung told me to wear something like this, something comfortable that would allow me to move freely. Not knowing why I just did.

I'll be buying time for Heeseung hyung today. It was supposed to be yesterday, but Riki wanted to go somewhere, so we all went together with him. We just couldn't resist the child.

I brushed up my black hair using my fingers. I watched it fall through smoothly to my forehead like it has always been; after being satisfied, I got my things, just my phone, and wallet. I was thinking of bringing my camera, but I decided not to. I wanted to focus with hyung today, and my camera would keep distracting me.

I have this hobby of taking pictures as long as the camera is in my hand, so I think I really shouldn't. I also walked out of my room and saw the other four sitting at the picnic tables; they were talking about something. My eyes went to Hoon, who just looked at me when he noticed my presence with cold pair eyes like he did these past few days.

I pretended not to catch that. The others finally felt my presence; I looked at hyung, holding this black gym bag. I was confused when I met his eyes, but I still smiled at him. I also noticed we were wearing the same clothes in different brands and colors, just his in white color.

"You look good," Hyung didn't forget to compliment me. I smiled at him and didn't forget to praise him too, "You too, hyung." I replied as I walked closer to them. I mean it though. Any man could pull off this kind of clothes, but he was on a different level, and I'm at least aware of that.

"Hyungs, are you guys going on a date or what?" Niki commented, teasing us, he doesn't know that Hee hyung likes me, and I don't think there was a plan to tell him. There was really no need to,

"Silly, but you guess." He replied, teasing him as well. The youngest looked at us suspiciously but didn't say anything aside from laughing slightly.

I looked at Hoon, watching us in silence, our eyes met again but he immediately diverted his attention to something else. For some reason, it turned out like this. I feel like he was distancing himself from me after that day, and I don't know why he was doing that, or maybe, I was just overthinking things.

I wanted to talk things out with him, but I couldn't find the courage and didn't know how to start. I bit my lips to suppress something in my system, maybe starting doing my hobby, overthinking, not wanting to ruin this day for Heeseung hyung.

"Are you going to be okay, just you guys three?" Heeseung asked Jay, and Niki laughed as he jokingly threw a punch at hyung's shoulder. "Of course, hyung, We're all adults," He said, reminding us that he was just younger than us, not a minor.

"If you are guys going to go out, don't go out of sight of your hyungs, Okay." I reminded him, and he nodded. "I feel like you are going somewhere. I'm also going to enjoy, I wanna tag along, but I wouldn't." The child shared his sentiment,

"We'll bring you somewhere else today, so don't worry about not having fun." Jay coos the kid as he messed his hair,

We laughed at that. "I'll bring you there before we leave, so Let the two of us go for now." He promised the child, that got him excited.

After that, we also went on our way, we were now in the van, but I still didn't know where are we going. "Hyung, Why are you carrying a gym bag?" I asked him, finally able to ask what interested me, It was a medium gym bag, not too big and not too small, but I felt like it was too much for a day trip.

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