Special Chapter Two

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Special Chapter Two

As time passed, I became more confused, perhaps in denial. With answers, the time has given me and let me discover throughout the journey of love I never knew would happen.

It was never easy for me to figure things out on my own. I was unsure whether I was just in denial or there's really no anything aside from just being carried away from everything.

I didn't want uncertain things to escalate just to end up with a broken heart. I always thought that would be the end either way... the reason I didn't want the love to grow afraid of what worse could happen.

But things happen when you don't anticipate, or least expect them. They come like bullets shooting straight at you before you know it struck you.


We were busy preparing for the farewell party of the best friends, just a backyard setup cinema. Everyone got busy, and I had to go to the market to get groceries with the others. Jay drove for us.

I remember leaving Jake with a smile on his lips, rosy cheeks that had never been looking dull, and bright eyes as he tapped the string of my hoodie he tied for me. He was lovely but lovelier before I left for the market.

But when we arrived after several hours, he welcomed me with red puffy eyes and an appearance close to tears. Everyone went in, but I pulled him through his waist. His hand lands on my shoulder for support as he looks at me.

Pangs were felt from the idea of him crying, He called my name calmly, but I continued to scan him as we started at each other eyes. "You cried," I stated, sure, but he said he didn't, and it was just brought by the wind.

I didn't believe that, of course, but he must have a reason for not telling me. He softly caressed the frown on my forehead, and that somehow calmed me.

I like his warmth. It is my favorite in this world. I let him do that with a slight smile on his lip, still claiming his waist and pushing him closer to me. I was still not planning to let him go when Jungwon arrived, asking whether we wanted to play Jenga; who even invented that?

Jake and Heeseung Hyung kept whispering to each other, which I was not so fond of. I didn't feel left out, but I despised how close they were. That kept going til the first movie we all watched.

Jake was crying, he was still beautiful, and the thought he was not beside me as he does make my stomach twirl uncomfortably. Our eyes met after Hee Hyung handed him a tissue. I met his eyes coldly before looking at the screen. I didn't mean to, but I was upset about seeing the view.

I learned I couldn't stand seeing him with another man, especially with someone I know likes him.

Jake moved beside me with the comforter, I didn't look at him, and that took patience and dedication. I thought it's gonna last, but damn, Who cares about being upset when he is beside me now, "I'm cold." In the middle of the movie, I told him that he looked at me and adjusted himself so we could fit in his cloak.

"I'm still cold," I added; honestly, it was true that I was feeling cold, but this was enough cover for me. It was just that I seemed to know something warmer than this comforter.

He told me he'll get another one. Still, I didn't let him and pulled him back from sitting, simultaneously making him confused and surprised. I put all the pillows on my back and adjusted to sit behind him, putting him between my legs. I smoothly claimed his waists that sent shivering warmth throughout my body.

"S-Sunghoon." I smiled when he called me stammering. I really have an effect on him, don't I?

"Hmm?" I hummed softly as I leaned on the pillow behind me, bringing him leaning to my torso. 'Spark' that what I felt when our bodies touched. A spark that turned my heart into sparkles from so much booming because of him. I love that feeling. It sometimes hurts but in a very oddly excellent and satisfying way.

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