Chapter Twenty Two: I Fell In Love In October

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Chapter Twenty Two

I Fell in Love In October

It's been almost two weeks since I landed here again in Seoul after nearly nine months of back-to-back projects overseas, One week of resting from that October trip.

I am inside the gallery where the exhibit will happen, finding the right spot for my photographs. There were only white walls in different directions and angles. For the eyes of some, it's all the same. Still, it plays a significant role in the success of photographs and photographers in conveying their meaning and the number of audiences they will reach.

We reached the middle of the exhibit hall, and the center standing wall exhibition caught my eye. With just that, I already know the search is over,

"Reserve this spot for us, Lily," I told my secretary slash friend beside me.

"This is the most expensive spot." She replied, casually letting me know. I nodded and said, "The finance will take care of it later." I said simply. Honestly, I reached the point I don't have to care for those things, and I'm not taking away any opportunities from my work to be appreciated. She knows that so well and performs her duties without any second questions.

She excused herself for a phone call. I got lost looking at the spot for us. It was perfect; this exhibition venue is shaped like a three honeycomb. This one is in the center and a very prominent spot. It's the first one you'll notice when you enter both sides of the exhibition hall, and that's why I chose this one.

Another thing is, all this time countryside has been overlooked by most of us. Maybe taking a center position for it can be effective to open the eyes of many how wonderful the place they've been thinking 'undeveloped' and what countryside has to offer.

It only took Lily a few minutes when she came back and said, "All done! How about some dinner?" She invited me, but I just shook my head. Checking my wrist to realize it was already seven in the evening; according to my wristwatch, "I'm meeting someone." I said, then smiled.

"Oh! that man again?" She asked with teasing in her voice, I laughed, "Stop it! You just don't listen." I said and shook my head a little, smiling; she just laughed and told me to dismiss her, which I did. She isn't needed here anyway.

When she left, I did nothing but continue to observe. I saw some familiar names of other photographers I know. They weren't a friend, Just familiar, and I already knew this event would be enormous. I stayed more for a half-hour before I decided to go strictly at 7:30 to the restaurant that became my favorite, where I'm going to meet someone here in Seoul,

The sunset has already settled, and the night has fully taken over. The skies are beautiful but not as the starry nights of Hanjibang; honestly, no one has been able to beat that place since then. I was driving my car and got stuck in the traffic. I spend my time looking around at the lustrous and lively color of the city light. After spending another half hour, I arrived.

I went directly to the table reserved for us; he wasn't still there, So I needed to wait a little more. I fished my phone and went to the inbox messages I had with this particular person.

"I miss you,"

"I might not be able to text you for about a month; there's no signal where I will be. I'm saying it just in case you'll get worried. I miss you, Hoon, so much, baby."

"Hoon, when are you coming?"

"Is everything getting any better? I hope it is. I'll wait, Hoon. Find me soon."

"Can you call me? I miss you so much, a damn much."

"It's raining all day till now. You don't have to worry though, my hotel room is soundproof. I'm doing well, don't worry."

We Fell In Love In October : JakeHoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora