Chapter Four: Boyfriend

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Chapter Four


I woke up because of sun rays coming through my window. I started moving after spacing out for long minutes. It was Sunday and a free day for us, We visited a lot of beautiful places, and as we went by, we got to know each other more, there were no scheduled tours today, and we could spend the day on our own,

Even though I still refreshed myself and changed into a white shirt and relaxed black pants. In case I would think of going around later to take some pictures, which is highly possible; taking photos is my life and everyday routine after all.

I checked myself in the mirror and loved the way I looked. I look more Aussie than Korean; even the atmosphere on me does; perhaps I lived for so long in Austria before settling and migrating here. Demure, soft-looking man, people describe me that, refreshing and manly-pure If that adjective could co-exist.

Every facial feature suits my shape face and milky-baby skin that always catches the eyes of beholders, I would sound a brag, but I won't be lying if I say I wasn't. Something I don't believe in myself, but it does.

My straight black, thick natural brows were perfect. The way it was shaped made my appearance tamely goes well with my eyes that was no different from a pair of Bambi, docile and gentle. This compliments my high sculptured nose and jaw prominent in all angles as soft plum and bow cupid lips naturally pinkish.

I slid my fingers through my medium black hair and watched it fall through its place naturally, after being contended. I picked up my camera and was about to go when my phone suddenly rang in my pocket.

I looked at it and answered after seeing my secretary's name as my caller. I sighed, thinking, what would this call be about? I prayed it was not urgent enough to cut this photography project trip short because I was enjoying the project itself and the company of people around me after a long time.

I walked to the back garden and saw no one here at the moment. Maybe all the guys were in the main space or still sleeping in their rooms; it's still early, nine in the morning anyway.

After I made sure there was really no one... "Yes, Lil?" I welcomed her with my usual tone. It was more friendly than business tone,

"Good morning, Jaeyun Sim. Lorenzo picture gallery wishes to collaborate with you. Would you like to join their photography exhibition?" she asked, down to the business. I like it this way. We both save our time.

"I'll think about it. I want to finish the project here first, just send me the detail, and I'll see," I replied to her, thinking.

"I got it," she replied. I thought that was the of our conversation when. "I was originally planning to ask you but decided to wait for you to say it, but, Are you sure you're going to stay at that homestay? I could find you a better hotel, Jake." She said worriedly.

Lily and I have been working since I started photography. We are close friends than boss and secretary; she's all I have since I began to aside from my mother. Well, she was that 'few' I was always talking about.

She's my secretary but more of a friend most of the time. She's undoubtedly asking me right now as her friend.

"I'm afraid you won't get along with other people. Knowing you socializing would kill you," she said, sounding stressed out for me.

All I could do was a cackle. I lived most of my life already in photography. I enjoyed it so much that I lost social skills and life. It was rightful to say I was uncomfortable around people and conversing with them, even I tried to most of the time.

That was also the reason why my identity has remained hidden since I started to exhibit my own shots and auction them.

Good thing I did, or it's going to be chaotic for me as before I knew it. I had already made a name in the photography industry, using my alias Agathos. My name Jake means 'good' in English slang, and not to make it obvious, I came up with Agathos in greek, which also means Good; also, why do people think I was a Hellenes or Greek.

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