Final Writer's Note

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Final Writer's Note

Hi there! We finally arrived to my last note for this story.

I really took my time this time and I hope you loved my last update for 'We fell In Love In October' My Jakehoon's Alternative Universe.

Honestly, This book is something I've been not so confident to write, There been a lot of hesitation in the process, editing, rewrites and even changes in my own plot as I write this one.

There were also times I planned to unpublished it for real and give it up but this story is still something so precious to me as my first ones and came straight from my heart, something I want to share to everyone.

The love it received from its readers also played a big part for the reason why we are here now, so I want to thank everyone who waited patiently till I was ready to share this story again.

I'm really thankful for the praises and words of encouragement you gave me throughout, that means a lot to me to be more confident about my work.

Writing this story has been fun journey for me, it's something that also made me learn and discovered more about myself, life and what power of love could do as well as see love in a new way of light and perspective.

I hope you felt the same way, not just in one or few chapters but throughout the chapters. May you also find the one not only in the month of October and make it 'October everyday' I know you knew what I mean. (laughs)

Again, Thank you for reading and enjoying this story of mine with me, Till our next reading journey.

Thank you.

Lots of Love

We Fell In Love In October : JakeHoonWhere stories live. Discover now