Final Special Chapter: Five

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Final Special Chapter: Five

After almost a year at hospital, I was able to hear the good news I've been waiting for...

"Congratulations Mr. Park you we will just have to finished our last session and ran few test and you can be discharged," that was what my doctor told me few weeks ago.

I still remember how tears thread my cheeks without my knowing, how my heart jumped from the goodness and Heeseung hyung, everyone celebrated with me.

My coach were crying, Dr. Rain, my other doctors, crying, Heeseung Hyung and I was crying as I took my first step on my own again, after any remaining knees support were taken off.

That very day, I was given a second chance to live again and my system were in chaos with so much happiness and disbelief that everything is about to get better again. Better than it had been in my life.

Exactly a week ago when I got discharged in the hospital and I'm now here in the front of Jake's exhibitions where he's going to display his Hanjibang exhibition.

Heart beating fast, ratting. Cold crawling in my body as warmth slowly leaving, I could feel my chest gets heavy as I hesitate to take my first step mixed in longing to see him at the same time fright.

I don't know what's going to be his reaction once he sees me. Does he still want to see me? Does he still wait for me? Or does he even hope to see me, I don't have any idea and thats making me hesitate to take one step closer.

"I could do it in another day."

"I'll show myself to him tomorrow."

"I'll get him something first and just let this day passed by."

Those are just few reasons I was making in my head to delay this time I've been waiting for feels like forever but I knew myself better...

If I let those thoughts wins, I will never ever get to bring myself to the time I've been praying for since the day I met him.

Tears binge my eyes when I took mg first step, lips shaking not to make a sobs as I roam my eyes to find the paradise he created with his photograph,

Look to the left, right.... Left and right again till my feet brought me where my Love is.

My feet froze as I looked at him tenth meter away from where he is, tears fell completely as smile from disbelief form.  When my sight found the most beautiful, priceless diamond and a world's greatest possession in the body of him, My love Jake.

How I miss him so much shown, my knees quiver at the sight of him as excitement to rush to him and embrace him overflowed, Attempt to shout his name made my lips shake but small "Jake" was only thing my lips managed to say.

'Oh lord how I was dying to see this man.'

Jake he'still beautiful as ever... as he stood in front of his arts watching and observing them with his emotional eyes, as his lips purse while his head ponder and maybe reminisce back, as he fell into more profound silence and be brought back where his arts is.

It's ironic how with just his view, my life slowly turning where he still in it, how he colors it like how colorous his photograph at the same time punch my heart because of the sadness his has gave.

With just beautiful pair of soul I could see how tired he was... how sleepless and in so sadness he was in the past years, how he has been still crying at night because of me like he did in that phone call and how he's dealing with all of it in silence on his own alone.

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