Chapter Sixteen: I Would

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Chapter Sixteen

I Would

It was dawn when I realized the missing presence of my phone; after fishing in the darkness of my room and looking around with lights on. I realized I must have dropped it while cleaning a while ago...

It was almost sunrise when I got out of my room; a cold dawn breeze welcomed me with its earthy smell. I walk down on tiptoe, not to make a sound... It was still dark, but there was different in this dawn; asides from the sounds of nature, a strum of guitar graced my ears, harmonizing with the nightingales.

I smiled at how comforting and good the sound was. It was soft and relaxing at the same time, giving familiar blues,

I saw Heeseung hyung sitting at the picnic table a few more steps. He was entirely unaware of my presence as he played his guitar and hummed heaven on his lips. He sounds good, and even his hums couldn't hide it.

He looks fine now; sleep made him soberer, I could tell, and the cup of coffee beside him. I stood silently, didn't know how long, enjoying the music he made at the same time, not wanting to ruin his music this night as well.

There was a smile on my lips as I continued to do so, wondering 'how music wasn't for him?' I feel honored listening to his silver voice, sadly wouldn't be able for the world to hear.

"Jake," I realized I slipped from reality thinking that when he called me, pulling back to my body, I smiled at him a little embarrassed but didn't forget to give him the compliment he deserves, "It was just your guitar a hum, but I could listen to you all day," I told him honestly,

Hee hyung smiled slightly as he looked at me with his Bambi's eyes, yet there was confusion in it, perhaps why I was here in the middle of chilly dawn,

"Thanks, Couldn't sleep?" He finally asked me, raising one of his eyebrows,

I shook my head, "Not really. I think I dropped my phone here," I told him, rubbing the back of my hair. He let out a soft chuckle and bobbed his head, "I'll call it. Give me a second," he replied,

"Hyung, do you feel a lot better now?" I inquired; we're now sitting on the picnic mat together. He glances at me with serene eyes, a small curl on his lips as he says, "Yes, Thanks to the coffee and you for taking care of me a while ago," He replies with a beam.

"I actually didn't do much," I told him honestly, "It's much for me," he replied, still smiling. I looked at where the sounds coming from when I heard a familiar ringtone. I saw my phone lit up under the table, so I walked there to get it.

"Thanks, hyung!" I told him as I checked my phone, I saw about three emails and messages but decided to check them later,

"You're always welcome," Hee said. "You're going in now?" He added, asking me. I smiled at him slightly, "I'll stay with you." I said there would be no use going back in. I won't be able to sleep too so, I might just accompany him,

I sat beside Heeseung hyung; there was just silence as we watched the stars above us, shining, glimmering in this cold dawn. I smiled when the wind softly caressed my skin, and the way it did was soothing. I felt eyes on me, so I glanced at hyung and caught him staring at me, but instead of looking away like a while ago, he just gleamed.

"Why?" I asked him, too bewildered. I chuckled and started wiping my face. I didn't know if something was on it, "Don't worry, you look perfect." Hee hyung said and laughed softly.

I laughed too And nodded. There was comfortable silence again. I swear this man beside me has the magic to make me feel everything hushing and solacing. We were enjoying the night as it was until he decided to break the silence.

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