Chapter Seven: Ours

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Chapter Seven


I woke up after my phone alarm rang at seven. I slowly rubbed my eyes and opened them; Hoon wasn't beside me anymore, he wasn't also in his bed; I frowned about to text him when he came out from the bathroom,

"Good morning..." He greeted with a subtle smile, meeting my eyes,

"Good morning! Awake for a while now?" I wondered; he seemed too he was in his casual clothes now. I confirmed it when I stood up and saw breakfast on the table,

"I bought us something to eat," he said and sat on the edge of his bed,

I stared at him feeling something off about him, I couldn't explain, and pinpoint, he gazed back at me, raising his eyebrow asking why, but I just shrugged my shoulder and went to the bathroom for a shower and changed too,

The van will be here at nine. It didn't take long when I finished and sat on the chair opposite of him in our mini dining area.

He didn't touch anything seemed he waiting for me. He put down his phone and put the pasta on my plate as he says, "Double check your things later. Do you want to roam around or just wait here till nine?" He asked me softly,

"How about you?" I asked him he's been only considering what I like and not his, "I'm good as long as you do." he said, meeting my eyes.

This time I was so sure there was something wrong so I assessed him. I didn't know how long I'd been observing him when I realized the possible reason.

His cold eyes, looked dull, he was pretty pale too for some reason and sweating in a cold morning. I remember him coughing last night and just then...

"Are you sick?" I asked him, He wiggle his head, but I didn't believe him. I stood up and walked to him, putting my palm on his forehead only to confirm it.

My eyes went wide when my hand felt burning in the contact, showing how severe his fever is.

"Hoon!" I called him dead serious with alarm lacing on my tone, "Why you didn't tell me?" I asked him worried. He was indeed not well, and he must not only having fever right now but also severe headache and nausea. It's too impossible to just have a fever in his state.

"I'm okay, don't worry, sit down first...." he assured me, but I didn't.

"Why did you even go out?" I asked him, couldn't help but frown, frustrated "You should have just woke me up instead if there was really a need to go outside." I added... he must had a hard time walking straight.

He realized there was no way he could hide it anymore so he started to endure it openly, pressing his eyes shut to cater to his dizziness.

"Let me buy you some meds." I told him and about to go when he held my hand, even his palm were hot, "I already bought one, please let's eat first." he said weakly, there was a hint of pleading in his voice.

I just nodded and sat, but my eyes didn't leave him. I didn't talk the whole time so we could focus on eating. He just had few bites of pasta when he stopped eating and drank his medicines.

I watched him lay on his bed and close his eyes shut, "Do you want to go to a hospital? does your head hurt so much? Hm?" I asked him, worriedly.

He looked at me briefly and smiled reassuring, "There's no need. It will get better after a while..." he assured me,

"I'm sorry, I didn't know its going to rain yesterday," I told him, feeling guilty; I couldn't help but blame myself; we should have stayed at the shop till the rain stopped.

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