Chapter Thirteen: Rest

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Chapter Thirteen


"Hyung, Jay told me about you and Hoon Hyung," Jungwon started carefully. At the mention of the name, I already knew what he was talking about, "I know this would happen, but I didn't know this fast," he said almost in a whisper.

I could feel myself frowning more, "What do you mean?" I asked him, confused as I chuckles,

"Didn't you guys fight because of someone?" He asked, hesitating. "Did Jay tell you that?" I asked him, I couldn't help but find it a little funny, "Isn't it?" he asked, perplex.

Because of that, I suddenly remembered what he said to me that one morning while we were waiting for the sunrise; I explained the reason before asking him.

"Jungwon-ah!" I called him softly, I didn't get a response, but I knew he was listening, "When you told me I was in the process of it, did you mean falling in love with Hoon?" I asked him too forth.

Being able to ask that right now gave me relief yet another thoughts to pounder. Just like the lump in my throat melting for just another to sprouts.

There was a bittersweet smile on my lips as I leaned on the wall waiting for the silence to be broken.

"You know you're the only one who could answer that," he said. I could feel the sincerity in his voice, "Even I think you do; you're the only one who could know the real answer." He added carefully.

I nodded at that. Honestly, I did.. these past few days, I tried to figure things out. I was confused and frightened at the same time; what he told me that morning and these feelings lingering around me because of Hoon these past few days are so similar and familiar.

Do I like him?

Am I really falling for him?

I have those thoughts in my head; I kept suppressing, since he started talking about it until I couldn't when the new guests entered the pictures.

"I honestly gave it a lot of thoughts," I confessed to him, "It's not that I was falling, but it was the fear of being replaced by someone to him," I told him softly.

There was a curl on my lips, but out of blues. "I felt all you said but the pangs on my chest. It was the fear of being replaced by someone better; we've always been together. we promised to be companions till the very end, and the thoughts of being replaced get the best of me." I told him.

When I saw them hugging, I was more afraid of being replaced by his sides. It is not that I was jealous; I was uneasy. If he suddenly realized she was better than me, how about me? If he promised her a journey that doesn't end, where would I be?

"Hyung, are you sure? or you are just still confused and afraid of admitting things?" he asked again, I could hear severity in his voice.

"I'm not trying to get ahead of you, but you wouldn't know if you'll let fear and other things decide for you." He replied; he was serious, and I could tell how low and deep his voice is, thinking for me.

"When restraint is present, everything changes. No! we choose to see everything differently." He added.

I was silenced by that,

"We see answers we wanted to find and favor us, making ourselves believe that it was it and all of it. We fail to see the truth, blinded by temporary escapes that would make us feel better. Believed me because I've been through it," he added solemnity in his voice.


It's been hours, but that phone call with Jungwon still lingers on my mind. I decided to go out of my room, but the skies immediately caught my attention and made me pray, heaven would choose to be kind to me too today.

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