Special Chapter Three

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Special Chapter Three

The girls were going to leave tomorrow, so we threw them a farewell party. Everyone was having too much fun, as they all got wasted drinking alcohol until they puked and dropped dead and couldn't even stand their own.

After dropping everyone in their room, Jake and I were the only ones left here in the backyard garden to clean the space.

He was no different; even though he could still stand on his two feet, he was slightly red, not surprising after he chugged the alcohol given to him during the game. I couldn't help but get upset whenever those flash on my mind, especially the one scene I despise the most tonight.

I continued to watch Jake, silently cleaning. My eyes rested on his collarbone; even it was clothed right now. And undeniable annoyance creeps in on my system as my chest clasps from the ball of fire setting my body. This must be the effect of the alcohol.

"Jake, come here," I called him coldly, no different from the cold stares plunging straight at him, and that immediately gained his attention.

'He's been such a bad guy today,' I couldn't help but think. Our eyes met, and I could tell he was nervous. He could tell there was something wrong with me, perhaps as I do, my brows tried to meet each other more, but I didn't bother to hide that, too upset.

He stopped meters away, which made me frown more, "Closer." I instructed him seriously, with a stern expression flustered all over me. I could feel my body tensing up from wanting him to get closer to me sooner, He did, but he stopped three steps away from me.

I sighed and almost rolled my eyes. "Sunghoon..." he called me after I suddenly snaked his waist still making sure not to hurt him and pulled him closer to me. Our body collided gently reason for him to put his hand on my shoulder to give a gap between us, 'You didn't ask for space when Heeseung hyung leaned on your neck and put his lips on your bare skin.' I wanted to say that but didn't. Left me more upset.

I just stared at him till I met his eyes that looked lost; there was a hint of anxiousness on them, which made me soften a bit. No, I didn't want those emotions in his eyes. "I'm not gonna hurt you, you know," I told him softly, even not wholly.

"I know," he whispered, assuring me he trusted me. We stared at each other for a while, and I was also the one who looked away first, afraid he'll read and melt me.

Jake's stares are powerful, his eyes alter into a new universe every time our vision meets. It has a certain authority in my system that tames all waves inside and soothes me simultaneously. It can melt me away and all unwanted emotions and thoughts I didn't want with me. I need those waves right now with the alcohol to do what I want.

I looked around and found wipes on the table. I pulled one, "Ah!" Jake shirked, surprised when the cold wipes touched his collarbone. I was pulling the hem of his clothes slightly so I could reveal the part of it.

I didn't stop wiping it softly, ensuring I won't be hurting him and cleaning him until no spot or trace touched him there.

"What's that for?" He asked me when he recovered, holding my hand but not stopping it, I liked how he didn't, but he won't get me with that. "I've been waiting for you to do it yourself, but you didn't, so let me help you," I told him coldly.

I was not just waiting but dying to do it. He doesn't know how I wanted to shove Hee hyung a while ago before he could touch him. I should've done it; maybe I was not upset like this. I didn't know I would have a time I would hate myself control.

"It's not even dirty," he said, automatically making me upset again; there was a frown on my forehead as I looked at him with disbelief. "He licked you!" I said with annoyance and couldn't hide what's been hunting me and running on my mind since a while ago.

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