Special Chapter One

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Special Chapter One


The instrumental serene slow music continued to play, and I heard people clapping after I did. I focused on performing with all my heart and might, putting my soul into every routine.

I skated and skated and became one of the ice as I did my best at every turn. My heart was pounding from excitement as my expression projected the tranquility and contentment of the piece I was performing.

I readied myself for the following routine. I bent my knees and did a toe loop jump, followed by my double lutz jump. I heard a loud cheer from the crowd as I spread my arms. The final of my performance approached, and I prepared for the triple axel jump.

I bend my knees and breathe deeply, yet stable, preparing to carry my weight to lift. I slid before finally jumping, I heard the crowd cheer again when I landed, but I could listen to a crack on my left knee.

It hurts, the pain was crawling to my head next, but I continued concealing the pain from my appearance. I closed my eyes and continued to perform the highlight of my performance,

I bent my knees even though the pain became unbearable, and tears started to form in my eyes. I looked at my team and coach; worried; seems like they knew what happening as I heard them mouthing, "Don't do it." but I didn't listen.

I focused myself again, performing as I put all my weight on my knees and jumped for the quadruple Axel. The most challenging jump routine in ice figure skating, I couldn't disappoint anyone. I couldn't embarrass our country.

I successfully did, but when I landed on the rink, the pain shot up to the maximum immediately all over me; tears fell, but I didn't stop. I finished the performance, not minding the pain that was killing me,

I slid to all corners waving and bowing to thank the people who came to support me. I smiled even though I was being tortured by the pain of my knees as they shook, and I tried to stabilize them. I went to the center, bowing again to thank the judges and formally end my performance.

I went straight to our post, and our coach and teammates met me halfway, "My knees..." I told my coach when I reached her, she was looking at me, full of worries. Two teammates attended to support me when my knees gave out on their own.

"It's hurt. I couldn't feel it." I added as tears rushed down in terror. I felt like my limbs were not there. I couldn't feel it aside from the pain that was killing me. The pain became too much. I could feel it in every corner of my body, taking my consciousness away.

"Coach... My knee." I repeated as my eyes slowly closed as the pain continued to shoot through; my vision was getting blurry not only by tears, consciousness slipping away.

I didn't know what was even happening around me; my teammate started shouting, "Medic!" as I heard cries around me,

My eyelids slowly got heavy. "D-do something about my knees." I pleaded to find a coach but failed to do so. I couldn't make my eyes stay open. I saw the roof last of the venue, feeling the hot tears rolling on the sides of my face before everything went black.

-A day after, I woke up in the hospital with knees brace on my left knee, followed by the news, "You can't no longer play figure skating. Even if you go through surgery, there's no way your knees could handle the pressure of such sport." And that made me wish I wouldn't have woken up, then I shouldn't have to die endlessly.

"I still want to play," I told the coach who visited me after the doctor left the room. I know she knows; the national sports committee for figure skating sends their doctor here.

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