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───── ⋆⋅INITIATIVE⋅⋆ ─────

───── ⋆⋅INITIATIVE⋅⋆ ─────

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"This is gonna end well." Natasha muttered as they began to walk towards Team Cap. Team Cap then breaks into a run towards them. "They're not stopping." Peter noted as they picked up the pace a little more. He was still finding it hard to believe that he was about to fight the Avengers. The Avengers. "Neither are we." Tony replied.

They picked up the paste and collided right away with the opposing team. For now, it was one on one. The fliers took to the skies while those who were grounded fought on the runway. Wanda was keeping an eye on her team, helping them whenever she thought they needed it. And to her it looked like Clint needed some help. She sort of already promised she'd get him back home to Laura in one piece.

Natasha and Clint fought hand in hand to make the fight fairer. Despite her far more advanced training, Clint was able to push Natasha onto the ground. "We're still friends, right?" The redhead asked her friend. She wondered the same question about Kilorn, who was a little busy trying to fend off T'Challa from Barnes. Clint managed to smile. 

"Depends on how hard you hit me."

Then it looks hard. Natasha thought as she wrapped her legs around Clint's arm and flipped them over. She gets to her feet as Clint was getting up, however before the red head could kick her friend across the face, something stopped her. A red psionics glow circled her foot, both friends turned to see Maximoff, she moved her hand to the side, and Natasha went away from Clint, and she hit a trailer. Right in the back.

Clint gets to his feet, seeing his friend wright from the pain exploding in her back. He looked at Maximoff surprised. "You were pulling your punches." Wanda scolded her friend before going to help the others.

Meanwhile, T'Challa fought against Bucky and Kilorn. He found it to be a little bit unfair seeing as there were two of them. T'Challa grasped Bucky's throat, knee position right at his stomach. Kilorn got behind him quickly, locking the Wakandan King into a choke hold. 

He had to say, he's done treason against Kings before, but they never actually fought back. "I didn't kill your father." Bucky told him. He was sure he had to have heard that a million times today. "Then why did you run?" T'Challa demanded.

Wanda was passing by when she T'Challa kicked Bucky away, pushing Kilorn to the ground when they both hit the ground. Kilorn scrambled to his feet, he lunged for T'Challa, trying to roundhouse kick him. The King ducks but Kilorn that was enough for them to get close enough that they could exchange punches. 

Kilorn didn't hold back whatsoever as he punched the King. This is the kind of stuff that gets you executed, he thought as they kept fighting. T'Challa was having just about enough from the Asgardian, when Kilorn threw his next punch, T'Challa gripped his arm and tossed him. While Kilorn practically flies through the air, T'Challa returns to Bucky.

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