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───── ⋆⋅INITIATIVE⋅⋆ ─────

───── ⋆⋅INITIATIVE⋅⋆ ─────

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We all joined up in Tony's lab to see exactly what Ultron did while my brother went out to recon the city looking for the legionnaire. Because those that didn't attack us upstairs, had escaped. Doing God knows what, going God knows where. None of us were comfortable knowing he was out there, because well, he was. And his last words worried me.

"All our work is gone," Banner informed, looking back at us from the computer. "Ultron cleared out, used the internet as an escape hatch."

"Ultron." Steve muttered disapprovingly with crossed arms.

"He's been in everything. Files, surveillance." Nat added as well. "Probably knows more about us than we know about each other." Well, that's not comforting, I thought as I pulled my sweater around me tighter.

"He's in your files, he's in the internet. What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?" Rhodey questioned, the probability of that was likely.

"Nuclear codes." Hill offered as a suggestion which made Rhodey scoff, "Nuclear codes. Look, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can."

I raised an eyebrow, "Nukes? He said he wanted us dead."

"He didn't say dead. He said 'extinct.'" Steve corrected and I gave him a pointed look "Steve I'm pretty sure extinct means dead." Probably one of the exact versions of the definition 'dead.'

"He also said he killed somebody." Kilorn reminded us all. I nod. "Yeah, but who did he kill?"

Hill nodded with the same confused look. "There wasn't anyone else in the building."

Tony finally spoke up; he had been silent the entire time. "Yes, there was," He brought up the now destroyed 3D image of JARVIS' consciousness. I didn't even know he had one.

Ooh. I put my hand over my chest, Jarvis. Is he- dead? How can he be-? I've grown used to having JARVIS everywhere, he was always just there answering whatever question I had. Because, even after being here for 4 years of living here, I still had a few questions and troubles. I can't believe he is gone now. "This is insane." Banner said in shock as he looked at the destroyed consciousness.

Steve sighed, crossing his arms and looking down. "JARVIS was the first line of defense. He would've shut Ultron down, it makes sense."

Bruce shook his head in disagreement, "No, Ultron could've assimilated Jarvis. This isn't strategy, this is...rage."

Rage, of course. Since when do AI's get angry? I suppose that would be due to the fact he was created from the scepter. Yeah, Bruce said he and Tony made him from my brother's scepter. Which was the most idiotic thing ever. It almost makes sense that Ultron turned out the way he did.

Our heads whirled to the right when Thor flew in through the double doors, and he stormed up to Tony in a rage. Oh god. "Thor-" I began to warn my brother before he grabbed a hold of Tonys throat. He pushes him against the wall in a rage. "It's going around." Clint commented. "Come on," Tony choked out, trying to budge from Thors grasp. "Use your words buddy."

"I have more than enough words to describe you, Stark."

I sighed and walked up to my brother. "Brother put him down!" I ordered sternly. We can't have him killing Tony. We need him to clean this mess up.

Thor glared at Tony a second longer but reluctantly dropped him. Tony gasps for breath. I huffed, zipping up my sweater. "Thank you." I face my brother, hands on my hips. "Now did you find the Legionnaire?"

"Trail went cold about a hundred miles out but it's headed north, and it has the scepter." I closed my eyes, dammit. The scepter has caused us so much trouble, so much damage. I ran my hands through my hair, I could pull it. "Now we have to retrieve it, again."

"The genie's out of that bottle." Nat crossed her arms. "Clear and present is Ultron." I can roll my eyes at this point. Ultron.

"I don't understand." Dr. Cho said, looking at the remains of one of the Legionnaires I burnt and looked over to Tony, "You built this program. Why is it trying to kill us?" Very good question. We all looked at Tony for an answer.

Tony unbelievably starts laughing and Banner subtly shakes his head at him to get him to stop.

"You think this is funny?" Thor questioned.

Tony turned to him. "No. It's probably not, right? Is this very terrible?" I crossed my arms. "Is it so...is it so...it is. It's so terrible."

"This could've been avoided if you hadn't played with something you don't understand." Thor reminds him. Humans are amazing, they are. But sometimes that is the truth. They mess with things beyond their comprehension. Way beyond. That scepter was evil. And now it's gone again.

I sighed, grabbing the crook my nose sensing a headache coming on.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It is funny." Tony said, laughing falsely. "It's a hoot that you don't get why we need this."

Bruce sighed. "Tony, maybe this might not be the time to..."

Tony cut him off, turning to look at him in disbelief. "Really?! That's it? You just roll over, show your belly, every time somebody snarls."

"Only when I've created a murder bot."

Tony shook his head at that, "We didn't. We weren't even close. Were we close to an interface?"

"Well, you did something right." Steve began to take steps to him. "And you did it right here."

"The Avengers were supposed to be different then SHIELD."

"Anybody remember when I carried a nuke through a wormhole?" Tony questioned all of us and Rhodes sighed like he's heard it over a million times. "No, it's never come up."

"Saved New York?"

"Never heard that."

"Recall that? A hostile alien army came charging through a hole in space. We're standing three hundred feet below it." Yes, I remember the wormhole and the invasion. I think we all remember what happened. None of us don't need a reminder of what happened. I know I don't.

"We're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the livelong day, but that's up there? That's...that's the endgame. How were you guys planning on beating that?"

Steve responded for all of us, "Together."

"We'll lose." Tony countered. "Then we'll do that together too."

Tony looks at him for a moment before turning away. Leaving us to plan without him.

"Thor's right," Steve said, addressing us all. "Ultron's calling us out. And I'd like to find him before he's ready for us. The world's a big place. Let's start making it smaller." 

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