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───── ⋆⋅INITIATIVE⋅⋆ ─────

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I squealed as Kilorn and Natasha appeared outside of the compound, being dropped off by the Bi-frost It's been a month since the events of Lagos, Nigeria. Let's just say that some of us needed to take a break from it all. We've been hit pretty hard with criticism of how we deal with our missions and such, how we don't care about casualties. Wanda got hit the hardest, she didn't come out of her room for what felt like a year.

I hated seeing her that way. Now I know what Kilorn, Steve and Natasha felt when I completely shut down from them. I tried to get her out of the compound as much as we could, but it was impossible without getting spotted. At some point, she, Veronica, Natasha and I have reserved watching old sitcom reruns with her in her bedroom. It's all she really does now, she doesn't even pick up the guitar.

I hugged Kilorn and Natasha as we met half-way. "Welcome back!" The two of them had gone back home to visit the kingdom and his family and our friends. Natasha went along with him, she was curious to see Asgard for herself, I can't even imagine how grilled she was by the boys when Kilorn showed up with her.

I didn't go with them, mainly because we had enough to deal with here and I had already gone last time during solstice to see my 'aunts.' Besides, I'll have plenty of time to visit home again anyhow.

"How is everything back there?" Kilorn exhaled happily as we began to walk to the compound. "Great. Sif just deployed for a mission. Alaric, Gunnhild, and Jasgar have definitely grown."

"Oh! Did they like their gifts?"

I might not have visited with them but how could I forget to send him back home with a few stuffs for our friends. I sent him with a pack of hair spray for Fandral, more boxed snacks for Volstagg. I sent Sif another piece of SHIELD weaponry, but it looks like she didn't receive it. I also sent Hogun a few things too. I really haven't seen him in a while.

"The kids loved them." Natasha tells me.

I sent Volstags kids a few more toys and a few other stuffs since they were now a little more grown up. How could I forget about my nieces and nephew?

"So you met Sif? I questioned Natasha, Smiling a little bit at the thought of the interaction. "How was that?"

Sif has never really approved of any of Kilorn's girlfriends, but when has that ever stopped him from doing exactly what she didn't want with girls she didn't like. Her main reason for hating those girls is and I quote 'They just want a big strong man to sink their claws into and get hooked for life.' Which is also what she told me whenever we painfully discussed my dating life.

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