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MAY 17

"What?" I asked again, covering my mouth in shock. Thor nods, hanging his head as he drops Mjolnir on the ground and sulks to the couch in my room. Well, Steve and my room. Our new room has much more space than our old one. The two of us moved, no not to an apartment in Brooklyn. We embed up hitting a brick wall on that. 

After the events at Sokovia, two days after that Tony revealed his plans in making a new Avengers compound. The construction started and finished as quickly as possible. I was honestly surprised by how fast he was able to do it. Veronica actually helped him with it, she quickly earned everyone's trust, especially Tony.

She was an avenger now, wanting to right her father's wrongs. I actually tried talking to her about that, her father. But she didn't want to, so I could understand why. The only one she's fully open to is well, Tony.

I set aside the suitcase I had on the couch, thankfully in the nick of time before Thor collapsed on it. "Watch the bag!"

Laura was due in a few days; Natasha and I were actually going to head over there to help with the kids. Now that Tony knows, well let's just say he's rented out an entire hospital floor and an O.B to help with the whole birth. Because of that, Natasha and I were going to be staying at the Barton farmhouse to take care of Lila and Cooper, while they are at the hospital.

The suitcase had most of my stuff and a few gifts for the newborn baby.

I put down my suitcase and walked to my brother, crouching down in front of him on the couch. "You and Jane broke up?" I can't believe it. I still can't believe it. After all of that, what they both have done for each other that they'd just break up like that. Thor nods. "Oh brother," I said as I hugged him. "I'm so sorry."

Thor shakes his head, sitting up on the couch and straightens himself out. "It was a mutual break up."

I raised my eyebrows at him. I didn't believe him for a second. My brother has dated many women before Jane and had broken up with many more. Now those were mutual breakups. This for sure wasn't. Jane was the first woman my brother actually loved, loved. I stood and clasped my hands. 

"We are going to get you some help."

Thor frowned, not understanding. "Help?" I nodded. "I will go get the elixir, and then we will make you forget all about Jane." At least for a few hours. Thor nods slowly, then slumps back down on the couch. I hated seeing him this way, I've never actually seen him this way. As I exited the bedroom, I pulled out my phone and began to dial Darcy.

"Hello?" I put the phone against my chest, so Thor doesn't hear her voice and sneak off into the kitchen.

"Darcy hey," I greeted her as I opened the cupboards in the kitchen, pulling out the small barrel of Asgardian Alcohol. Kilorn brought some back, he visited a few days ago. "Oh, hey Rory."

"Hi. How's Jane?"

Darcy blew out her breath. "Crying herself into next month." Hm. That somehow gives me some pleasure. "How's Thor?"

"He just got here and he's in the dumps." My brother can drink like no one can, by the time we wake up tomorrow we won't remember anything.

"He says it's a mutual dumping?" I pour myself some alcohol in a glass, along with one for Thor.

Darcy laughed. "Oh no Jane dumped his ass."

I sighed. "I thought so." I was still wrapping my head around the situation. They broke up. I couldn't bloody believe it. I guess that also means I will probably never call her "sister-in-law."

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