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───── ⋆⋅INITIATIVE⋅⋆ ─────

───── ⋆⋅INITIATIVE⋅⋆ ─────

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According to Kilorn, if we didn't find Bucky soon, we were going to run into some problems with the Wakandan prince. I mean the new Wakandan King T'Challa. I understand that he wants his father's killer to be behind bars or dead. But until we know more, we aren't letting anyone touch Bucky. 

The file that Sharon had given us was a location. The last known address of Bucky. It was in Bucharest, Romania. We didn't have much time to find him. Kilorn was going to try and stall the Task Force as long as he could. But it wouldn't be long till they found him.

We didn't exactly have enough time to return to the compound, well I didn't. I didn't exactly pack up my stuff when I decided not to sign the Accords. Unlike Steve and Sam that had packed up their stuff. So, I ended up changing into my old Asgardian suit. I really need to get my suit from the compound.

We ended up finding Bucky in an apartment building in Berlin. I didn't exactly expect him to be living in such a rundown place like this. Sam was keeping an eye out for us above. "Heads up, Cap." Sam says as we enter the apartment Bucky has been hiding out in. "German Special Forces, approaching from the south."

Oh great. "Understood." Steve said as I took a look around. The state of the apartment honestly broke my heart. There was a small bed, if you can call it that. It was more of a mattress, with disheveled covers. Cheap furniture, that looked more like he had fished them out of the street. The paint on the walls was peeling as well, and the kitchen was in about the same state as the rest of the place.

Guess someone hadn't cashed in the gold ring.

Steve kept looking around, taking a small book from the fridge. It was a notebook, with colored tabs sticking out of it. I wonder what's inside. I turned around, freezing when I saw Bucky standing there. He wore a sweater with a gray cap on. Looks like he still hasn't cut that hair. I nudged Steve's arm, he turned around and paused when he also saw Bucky.

"Do you know us?"

Bucky points at me. "I thought I said I didn't want your help?" 

I shrugged. "I said I would help him." 

He shakes his head and then looks at Steve. "You're Steve. I read about you in a museum." That was true, I did catch him in the Smithsonian.

"They've set the perimeter." Sam informed us through the coms. Oh no. "I know you're nervous," Steve said. "And you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying."

"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore."

"They're entering the building." Sam 5 minutes, please. "Well, the people who think you did are coming here now." I told him. "And they're not planning on taking you alive."

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