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MAY 15, 2014

Veronica Strucker struggled to hit the target. The more she tried the more she failed. Her hand suddenly is pointed directly at the target. Veronica raised an eyebrow at Wanda Maximoff, who was controlling her arm. They were both training, in the bases gun range that was adapted for their powers. "Wanda, I don't need your help."

Wanda struggled to hide her amused smile. "Are you sure about that?"

Veronica stares at the girl. She was having a harder time with her newfound abilities then Wanda was. At least Wanda has had her powers for a few more weeks than Veronica, for her it came surprisingly easy. And Veronica didn't exactly like that, she has excelled in everything she's ever done, but no one told her that having ice powers would be a struggle. At least she was still alive.

Pietro Maximoff runs in, knocking Wanda's concentration as he stopped next to Veronica. "Leave the poor girl alone," Pietro scolds his sister as he takes Veronica's hand, turning it over to kiss her on the back of her hand. "She's still learning."

"And it's never going to go well if you keep on interrupting." Veronica him as she snatched her hand away. She only got her powers about a week ago, after healing from the ordeal and what happened before the fact, she began training. She noticed several things that have changed ever since she got her powers.

"How else are you going to take a break?" Pietro asked as he snaked his arms around her, Veronica didn't argue this time. She had been taking training a bit more seriously, and she had hardly seen the outside world. Veronica was Sokovian, or well half-sokovian. She didn't grow up in the country, she still hasn't accepted Pietro offer to show her around. She should.

Wanda gags in disgust as she saw her brother and friend be all lovey dovey. "Please get a room."

"Alright," Veronica caves as she and Pietro separate. "We'll finish later."

Pietro smirks before rushing off to continue his own training. Wanda shakes her head as she continued to lift the several objects in front of her with her telekinesis, the red mist surrounding the various objects. Veronica turned back to the target sheets at the far wall, she creates an icicle in her hands and throws it.

Baron Strucker watched as his daughter, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff continued to train. "How are they coming along?" Strucker asked Dr. List, who was taking notes of their vitals and advancements.

"The twins are making progress." Dr. List informed. "Veronica however is still struggling."

Strucker looked forward to see his daughter keep trying to aim at the target sheet. Till she finally does, Wanda congratulated her as Veronica was trying to play it cool. Veronica was a lot like her father, the best at what she did. Ever since she was a child. He had no worries she wouldn't learn, Struckers never quit.

"She will learn."

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