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───── ⋆⋅INITIATIVE⋅⋆ ─────

───── ⋆⋅INITIATIVE⋅⋆ ─────

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.



Auroras POV

The next morning the team was still searching for Ultron in any way they could. Unfortunately, we haven't come up with any results.

"Heimdall." I tried again, looking up at the roof as if that would work. I've been trying to call Heimdall for a while now. I have received no such response. "Heimdall, I know you can see me!"

Again, no response. "If father is telling you not to intervene, could you at least tell me where Ultron is?!"

After a while, again receiving no response I gave up. There was no use, he wasn't going to respond.  I've already tried calling to him with my amulet and just simple praying. Still, he won't answer. I wonder if Father is actually telling him not to answer. Does he not know what will happen if we don't find Ultron?

I put my hair up in a ponytail as I zipped up my black jumpsuit, I wanted to get some training in. I was sick of staring at computer screens all night, and the roof.

"Sister," I looked up at Thor who stood at the door with his under armor. "Spar with me?"

I sighed, well we might as well train. "Sure."

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"Tony had good intentions." I told my brother as we spared, our sticks hitting one another as we fought. "He just shouldn't have used alien tech."

Let's just say that Thor hasn't been fond of Tony these last few hours. He shouldn't have used the scepter; I think Tony now has that very clear.

Thor managed to get the stick out of my left hand, so I used the only one I had and broke it in half over my knee. I forced them up as he brought his sticks down quickly.

"He shouldn't have done it in the first place."

Well, he had a point. But pointing fingers was not going to help us find Ultron.

I kicked my brother at his feet, bringing him down on his knees. I put my hands on his shoulders and back flipped over him. I gripped my stick and held it up against his throat when I landed behind him. I can't help the small smirk that lands on my lips. "I win."

I let him go and let him get to his feet as I put the sticks back in the bin. "Come on. As much fun as it was to spar and win-"

"I let you win." Thor objected as he took a towel and cleaned himself of sweat. "Yeah, sure you did." I mocked as I took my sweater off and cleaned myself off. "We need to get back to the team and see what they've found."

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