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───── ⋆⋅INITIATIVE⋅⋆ ─────

───── ⋆⋅INITIATIVE⋅⋆ ─────

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"Something on your mind?" Steve asked as we ate. It was a small little restaurant, we ordered some champagne and had to kill the whole thing with a birthday cake given where we were. I looked up at Steve, steak still in my mouth. "Huh?"

He chuckled a little and whipped the stains from my lips. "It's nothing." I told him as I set down the fork and knife. Steve shoots me an unbelievable look. "Okay," I said, getting enough of his staring. "I've just been wondering what we're going to do now that we're no longer avengers?"

Steve shrugs, "Maybe we could travel?" He suggested. I smiled at the thought. "Maybe I can finally take you to visit Asgard?"

Steve thought about it. "Maybe."

I laughed a little. Taking Steve to Asgard would definitely be something. If Thor threatened Steve on a small scale, that was like a 4 out of 10. My father would threaten Steve on a much larger scale. Like, war kind of scale. Although I would like to show him around my home like he's shown me around Brooklyn.

"When was the last time the uniform never hung in your closet?" I asked Steve as I picked up my fork again and resumed my eating. The uniform always hung in our closet; I don't think I've ever seen it not hang in our bedroom. "What, you don't like the uniform?" Steve questioned, slightly offended.

"That is not what I meant." I shake my head. "It suits you." Plus, he made it work. And I absolutely loved how amazing he looked in it. "When we get back home you need to change into something more casual." Steve said as he took his glass of chardonnay. I raised a curious eyebrow. "What are you planning?"

I thought I said we could postpone my birthday. Besides, I don't even know how much longer we're going to be allowed in the avengers compound. Kind of because of the fact that it's the Avengers Compound.

Steve grinned, not saying another word as he resumed eating. Hm.

After dinner, the two of us walked down the street to our hotel. "Okay so if we leave now we can make it in time." Steve says as we stopped in front of the hotel elevator. "Where are you taking me?!" I continued to ask, jumping up and down as we waited for the elevator. Steve shakes his head as he wraps his arms around my waist. "That is a birthday surprise."

I pouted as I looked up at him. "That's not fun."

"Hey guys," Sam called us. Steve and I looked to see him stand with Sharon and motioned us over. "There's something you gotta see." Steve and I exchanged glances, something tells me this isn't good.

───── ⋆⋅☀️⋅⋆ ─────

The four of us went up to our hotel room to look at the news of what happened in Vienna. Apparently, they were attacked. Hit. Sharon was on the phone talking with her agency, the CIA while the boys and I watched the news unravel. I looked down at my phone, waiting anxiously for Kilorn or Natasha to answer.

They were there when it happened, I had no idea if either of them survived. If Kilorn was wearing actual armor then yeah I wouldn't be that worried about him. His Asgardian armor would have protected him but he didn't. And neither did Natasha, or Veronica.

KILORN: We're okay.

I exhaled when his text finally came through. They were okay. Steve and Sam waited for me to say something. I nodded, telling them they were okay. Steve and Sam exhaled in relief. I lean my head against Steve's chest, he rubs my back to relieve the stress I had been holding. Thank Odin they were alright.

"A bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna." The news anchor informed everyone watching. "More than 70 people have been injured. At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes, the Winter Soldier."

Steve tensed up, becoming rigid at the footage of his best friend. It was a blurry video, of what did appear to be Bucky walking in all black by the van that had apparently exploded.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I still didn't. There was no way Bucky had done this. And even if he had- which I am sure he didn't- he would never have gotten caught. He's too trained for that. This had to be fake, it just had to be. Maybe we missed a HYDRA agent or something that wants to make Bucky pay for betraying the cause or something.

"The infamous HYDRA agent, linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations."

Sharon appears next to us, staring at the TV. "I have to go to work." I sighed, patting Steve's chest. "Looks like we're going to have to put those birthday plans on pause."

───── ⋆⋅☀️⋅⋆ ─────

It wasn't hard to get to Vienna. It was surprisingly only a two hour flight. This was probably the only good thing today. The breakfast in bed, the gifts. The trip to Austria. Even though we would have to stay hidden. Like very hidden.

Sam and I sat at a coffee shop counter in disguise while we waited for Steve. Well, if you could call shades and caps on our heads a disguise. In the meanwhile, I texted Eric and Darcy. They both warned me that I should probably stay away, but come on. When do I ever?

DARCY: Can I just say I told you so now?"

I pondered the question. We hadn't signed the accords and we were going to find Bucky who "killed" King T'Chaka of Wakanda. So, it was probably safe to say that we were going to get arrested. But I hoped not.

AURORA: Wait just a little longer. I'm sure you'll know when to say it, just keep an eye on the news.

DARCY: Roger that

I put my phone down when I heard the small bell of the small coffee shop door. Sam and I kept still, looking like we were doing our own things as Steve approached. Despite our disguises, I really doubted we looked inconspicuous.

"She told you to stay out of it didn't she?" I questioned when Steve stood between Sam and I at the table top. Steve didn't exactly answer, but his silence was answered alone. Natasha wanted us to stay out of this.

Sam munched on a scone. "Might have a point."

Steve shook his head. "He'd do it for me."

"1945, maybe." Sam said. "I just want to make sure we considered all our options. The people that shoot at you usually wind up shooting at us."

Well he wasn't entirely wrong about that. But we had to do something, it was Bucky after all. He wanted nothing to do with his past as a killer. When I was mind controlled by Pierce, when I was this terrible version of myself I looked the Winter Soldier in his eyes. They had held no remorse. No Bucky. But when I looked at Bucky, he had all this sorrow and guilt. I asked him twice to stay with us, with Steve. And twice he had refused. So there was no chance he would decide to just accept to become the Winter Soldier again.

Sharon then appeared beside me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public." She told us while looking ahead. "Everybody thinks the Winter soldier goes to their gym. Most of its noise. Except for this."

She slides me a manila file which I take, using my powers to bend the light around it and make it invisible incase people were looking our way. We'd have to open it in private. "My boss expects a briefing, pretty much now . . . so that's all the head start you're gonna get."

Steve nodded. "Thank you."

"And you're gonna have to hurry. We have orders to shoot on sight."

Sharon left our side, leaving us to our thoughts. Shoot on sight. My phone buzzed again, I expected it to be Darcy again about the whole 'I told you so thing' but it was Kilorn again.

KILORN: You've got a problem

Oh great, add that to the list of ever growing problems.

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